Anonymous ID: 55a5a4 June 26, 2022, 11:59 p.m. No.16534136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4198


Not buying it.


Any regular person larping as Q by using their trip code would be in the shit with, in order of the butthurt they could bring any time soon…

1: The Democratic Party and influential elements among the 3-letter agencies who are currently their eager henchmen, because if they could snatch a random member of the public playing at being Q, it would be a chance to "prove" q was a larp and hit a heavy blow to Orange Man and anons, and freedom of speech, they'd probably have him up on terrorist incitement and a dozen other charges…

2: RINOs, who'd love nothing more than to flip the finger at to the America First MAGA wing they so obviously hate and despise, and make them look like a bunch of weirdoes…

3: the MSM who'd tear the larper and their family apart for shits n'giggles, and to stick it to Trump and the alternative media, I mean look what they did to Libs of TikTok and Kyle rittenhouse…

4: Trump and MAGA politicians and whatever legal power they control, if/WHEN they get real power and the ability to prosecute someone trying to mess with their followers by subverting Q for personal gain…

I can't think of a hotter hot-seat to be in, and for what, a few dollars here and there from ad revenue? NO-ONE is going to be in your side, or have your back, not even a total change of administration and a 180 by news media, every influential party out there has something to gain from destroying the life of an everyday citizen caught posting through that trip.

Gotta be easier ways to grift a few bux.

Anonymous ID: 55a5a4 June 27, 2022, 12:15 a.m. No.16534198   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And baker or note-taker since it seems to be a slow news day Im nomming my opinion as NOTABLE because I never saw this mentioned in the flurry of opinions and claims so far.

Anonymous ID: 55a5a4 June 27, 2022, 12:22 a.m. No.16534231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4247 >>4257


>More than likely AI bots by the thousands have been implemented to crack Q's trip/pass which randomly slam passwords. Very tedious but quick work (considering the variables (character length, special characters etc.)


Completely believable but then it's more likely someone with genuine inside knowledge on Team trump would drop a word to Jim to say disable the account. At the moment if the tripcode Q account posts something radical, it'll get pinned on Trump by the media and could even fire up drama on the J6 investigations, which they tried to weave "Qanon" into.

Anonymous ID: 55a5a4 June 27, 2022, 12:34 a.m. No.16534268   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I used to think demonic poesession was a myth to explain ergot poisoning & schizophrenia until I saw this video. Not joking. I've seen busted out roadkill and dead family members but her face is worse, right in the top tier disturbing shit. Make me want to throw my screen into a vat of Holy Water!

Anonymous ID: 55a5a4 June 27, 2022, 12:38 a.m. No.16534281   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah but I'm saying, assume Trump team know who Q is or was, and assume you're right about someone hacking it. They'd know the real Q didnt make those posts, and they know the trip in the wrong hands could severely damage them if the person with possession posts reckless or abusive material, so they drop Jim a quiet word saying "maybe time to close that down or at least disable it, we hear it's fallen into bad hands." I think he'd do with that Ron running for office. I'm talking about the human angle not the technical stuff. It's got to have been a target for years for hackers and random attempts.

Anonymous ID: 55a5a4 June 27, 2022, 12:44 a.m. No.16534307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4425


>We get home and all she does is give us an over the pants handy. She doesnt want to talk much and is acting differently. No eye contact.


Kek! Plot twist, later we find out she moved abroad but her brother Big Roy went and got the trans-ition, and now we got to choose between moving out on the streets, or making the best of things dealing with his hairy buttcrack. Say it aint so!

Anonymous ID: 55a5a4 June 27, 2022, 12:58 a.m. No.16534353   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>people who sit in parked cars to make videos make anon cringe. there is probably a reason they are doing it that way. and anon cannot think of any good ones.


It conceals the class and personal taste of the vlogger making them harder to pigeonhole &mock. Our homes reflect our values, abilities, income, and more.

Anonymous ID: 55a5a4 June 27, 2022, 2:07 a.m. No.16534562   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Sometimes I wonder how many of you pay attention the the small details.


Checked. but that kind of focused seeking drives people crazy, you start looking for meaning everywhere in everything and end up bent, mentally crippled. It's like Truman Show delusion & Matrix delusion, those movies psychologically broke some people.

A novel unproven claim needs to have grounds under which it can be disproven, this is how the authentic scientific method works, you can falsify, or fail to falsify. But "proving" a positive is impossible (which is why seeking proof is a never-ending trap). If you're only looking for positive proof you can manufacture it or fool yourself with congitive bias. Can Q be falsified? They created an early get-out by saying they post disinformation, which makes it harder. Like this with Q being both guards…

  1. You comes across two doors, and each door has a guard. One door leads to certain Death. The other to paradise.

  2. One guard always tells the truth, the other always tells lies.

  3. You are allowed to ask one question only.

  4. What question do you ask to gain entry to paradise? And why?


Ask one what the other will say is behind their door.

If A tells the truth then B tells the lie. If paradise is behind B then A will say that B will say that B leads to death. If death is behind B then A will say that B will say that B leads to paradise.

If A tells the lie then B tells the truth. If paradise is behind B then A will say that B will say that B leads to death. If death is behind B then A will say that B will say that B leads to paradise.

In all cases the door which is claimed to be paradise is the door to death and the door which is claimed to be death is the door to paradise.


This is why some people went off the deep end, seeing 17's everywhere, or that every single thing in the news is code. It's not a good place to hold down a job, be active in your home community and raise a family.

The Q clock is freaky, but a super-autist anon needs to find the parameters of things it correctly identifies, then number of times major events fitting those parameters don't match any item on the clock before I'll take it as proof of Looking Glass or other predictive tech.

I'm like Mulder, I Want To Believe, but not there yet. Still observing. But enjoying the ride.

Anonymous ID: 55a5a4 June 27, 2022, 2:14 a.m. No.16534591   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4598 >>4600


Your question about EU and "rightwing" in Ukraine is really baby-tier (no offense) and I think most people at this nightshift are just on for bants, a few loons, drunks (me) or stoners, and a few shills. Not the type to walk you though something as basic as that.

Anonymous ID: 55a5a4 June 27, 2022, 2:25 a.m. No.16534634   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>16534615 (me)

But couple spoilers, do you know what Operation Paperclip is/was, what Planned Parenthood was originally set up for, or what Bill gates father did. Or who always dies first in Hollywood movies, who got fed midazolam and remdesivir in the first covid lockdowns, and why do certain people like to gather pineal glands from different species. And what does young cerebrospinal fluid to do older rats. I don't know where to start with the antarctic…

Anonymous ID: 55a5a4 June 27, 2022, 2:49 a.m. No.16534668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4698 >>4714


>This alone makes it very disturbing when it comes down to the subject of the nazis in ukraine and their heavy influence into the politic and military of ukraine. I don't know if it isn't talked about because 'Most aren't even aware of that fact' or 'It's a silent Support'?


Okay okay. I'll try to catch you up to cliffhanger season one


99.999% of world events you're watching are not about ideology they are about Power, the people who want the power hop label from "seig heil" to "Comrade" and back again in the blink of an eye with no conscience, because they care about getting to the top, staying there, and pulling up the ladder. Ideals and ideology, they believe, is for fools, children who want comforting bedtime stories of absolute right and wrong, that's why they funnel Muslims (true believers) wherever they want to accomplish something. NO respect. Ordinary working class and middle class Jews are always ground up both sides, their own and people who hate them, I'm not going there. Look how femnists wre created then are being shit on now by trans, because trans are good for keeping society divided and creating chaos. But they needed to go through feminism to get to this stage.

If you try to understand world leaders (not anons and regular people) through the lens of ideals, like if they firmly believe in equality (like the millionaire Pelosi?Biliionaire soros?) or racial suprmacy, or anything else like that you'll be badly confused.

It's just cynical evil people, a lot of whom like to diddle kids, a lot of others want young blood and organs because they think they're too special to die and fear what awaits. There's a spiritual side too but I'm keeping it simple.

Do you know about the biolabs in Ukraine and the harvesting of genetics and trade in designer surrogacy there? That's what I mean, this is nothing to do with liberating muh spunky feisty little ukraine nor is it about nazism though the Azov useful idiots who fly the nato flag and swastika together dont know any better.

Anonymous ID: 55a5a4 June 27, 2022, 2:56 a.m. No.16534693   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Are y'all blind????


No just insomniac and druunk and not a spookglowie so not able to play in or meaningfully comment on spookglowie games. But yeah went down for me too, was trying to make an effortpost lucky it didnt get lost.