how about those Q crumb decodes anon?
pretty epic delta with DJT wasnt it?
man, when Trump said 'babyfist' at the rally
it wasalmostas cool as 'tippy top'
>OSS is the shill posting about fake Q, babyfist etc etc.
not the only one
OSS has minions dont you know
>Dox that piece of shit, Anons!
I am not sure you know how this place works
>Join the Q, Please Verify movement.
I (for one) am 100% on that train with you
>That will destroy him for good if "Q" does that.
patiently awaiting actually confirmation of Q
you know
with Donald J Trump (or Dan) deltas proof'd with anon interaction
you know
legit delta's
where Q calls out the delta and the subject FIRST
and then DJT drops the ALREDY CALLED social media post that matches the delta
you know
>Iโll believe what Jim Watkins says, his explanation
you say that before you even hear/read what Jim says in explanation?
so Jim can say literally anything
and you will take it as true over anything some "anonymous" poster says
no matter how much sauce is provided?