You've been lied to your whole life.
I was wrong
I used to believe the 10 Commandments were the "word of God"
No I realize they are and were simply tools of population control, wielded by the ruling class, over the plebs, with added mystical hoodoo voodoo.
These religious fanatics are a hoot
It's like "Saint" Augustine
He fucked whores 3 times a day for 80 years
Then, when his dick quit working, he got all high and mighty and made sex the worst "sin" on the planet.
Controlling sex is a fantastic way to control a population.
Dems fail to reign in Federal over-reach, via the Controlled Substances Act, ensuring continued limbo & confusion, while maintaining profits for the drug cartels and the prison industrial complex.
Carry on Wayward Son
You nazis love couching your fascism in the name of "protecting children".
Vaxx the world, if it saves one child
Mask the world, if it protects one child
Blind the world, if it protects one child
Murder the world, if it protects one child
Enslave the world, if it saves one child
See how fascism works?
So your Jew god of murder and slavery is the "One True God"? You're fuckin brain dead.
The State Inflicted Death Penalty of innocent people, while the idiotic masses scream and cheer is triggering to me because I'm not a Satan worshipper like you.
Not a chance.
Was Cain murdered for killing Abel?
I do not give my consent to the kangaroo courts feigning to administer "Justice" on God's behalf.
Funny how the most hardcore zealots are willing to murder on God's behalf.
To Whom does "vengeance" belong?
"My God". Kek
There is only the Creator of everything
I'm not a Judeo-Christian, who's "God" impregnated Mary when she was 12, if that's what you're asking.
Fasces, which is the Latin root of fascism, is defined as: The collective power of central government.
It is all fascist.