keep defending satans shitskin army you pathetic white bitch
keep being a good little goy
keep defending satans shitskin army you pathetic white bitch
keep being a good little goy
Dresden bombing
keep defending satans shitskin army, you pathetic white bitch
keep being a good little goyim
You sure you want more blacks carrying guns, faggot?
Dont they already kill enough people as it is?
interracial marriage is arguably WORSE, because it creates more mongrelized soldiers for satans army, and further dilutes our gene pool with subhuman filth
an armed WHITE society is a polite society
an armed NON-WHITE society is a lawless shithole
want proof?
Umm, how about africa? Or Haiti? Plenty of guns there, faggot
keep defending satans shitskin army, faggot
you deserve to get beaten to death by one of your precious niggers