LGTH ID: 9c0ba3 June 27, 2022, 10:08 a.m. No.16537161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7178 >>7636



Fasces is the coming together of the people to act in their own interests.


Fasces do not form a rod for the backs of men, but rather a strong bundle that is hard for others to break.


Fasces are about putting together a form that in unconquerable by others, unlike a collection of sticks held separately.


Armies, when they muster to fight off a foreign enemy are fascist. But note, that does not imply a lack of consent amongst the soldiers. They are in the fascist organisation of the army so that their people may REMAIN free.


Under the banner of a strong fasces, the people are free, & the enemy is kept at bay.


Look at USA today to see what happens when people were not able to (re)turn to fascism in time.. easy prey for globalists, and easy to utterly debase.


Fascists 'ware that a society filled with rot, or blithely open to infection, will rot further. A fool hopes otherwise.

LGTH ID: 9c0ba3 June 27, 2022, 10:21 a.m. No.16537252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7273



But that is not in fact the case.

The Germans, Italians and Spanish fascists all formed to fight off the Western-Jewish-Globalist-Bolshevik forces, and were defeated.


USA, UK, France, and Soviet Russia (and their attendant empires) all banded together to destroy them.


Which they did. Germany was levelled. Multiple millions raped. And they have not been legally allowed to speak or act truthfully since.


Millions of Russians were sent to gulags, millions of Ukrainian kulaks starved.


The only side that came to fight against such murdering forces, were the fascists. But they lost, and so they too were submitted to that process.


There is not one element of United States, or English or German policy today, that is fascist.


Fascists believe in separation of peoples, each of those nations run today, an open border environment.


Fascists believe that their nation's strength must be retained.. each of those nations guts its own manufacturing capability.


Fascists believe strictly that morals must be upheld. Each of those nations embraces lGBTQism.


Someone told you that fascists restrict freedom because they place limits on certain expressions, and you bought that this means any limit on expression is fascist.


But they did not tell you anon, that the freedom of expression fascists do not want: is LGBTQ indoctrination of children.


And the freedom of expression you are seeing curtailed today, is the freedom for people to protect their race from being destroyed.


Not something fascists were ever after, but the very thing that caused fascism to form… RESISTING this!


Fascism is simply against freedom of expression of racial aliens to subvert and destroy the folk of nation.


The alternate to this is to let racial aliens destroy your people, and turn them tranny.


As you have seen across the West.


Enoch-Powell was a fascist in the UK, Lincoln-Rockwell in the United States.


It was because they DID NOT make it into power you see those things Anon, not because they did.

LGTH ID: 9c0ba3 June 27, 2022, 10:30 a.m. No.16537332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7356

Fascists ruling your nation, would be no different to your great (or great-great) grandfathers getting together to take over your modern nation and rule it. The actions they'd take virtually no different.


(ok well not your's specifically, referring to anyone without Jewish great grandparents)..


Our grandfathers valued their people being free, and being able to pursue prosperity and liberty, but didn't think foreigners should be allowed to come and take that away, nor stink up the land, or the morals of the place. And that people that acted like commies, or were godless & immoral should be sent packing.


Fascism is simply believing that your society should orientate to success and survival, and not be a doormat for others to abuse, or let itself rot.


Our great grandfathers wouldn't have wanted our people opened up to abuse and destruction for people of ill morals, or foreigners to profits and so would put his foot down on such vectors.


This is all a fascist is. A man willing to put his foot down on the vectors destroying his people and nation.


When you are willing to do that, you can be a fascist too, and finally find some honour and intelligence in your being.

LGTH ID: 9c0ba3 June 27, 2022, 10:44 a.m. No.16537426   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"Fascists" didn't kill "all the individuals" Anon.


Just the communists. Note the "rugged individuals" of the US you laude, fought to save the communists from destruction, and indeed, provided them a new home.


How did that work out? We can all see… not well.


Lots of individuals died in 9/11 Anon. Globalist Jews dropped a tower on them.


JFK was an individual Anon, Jews put a bullet through his brain.


Nixon was an individual Anon, but Jews didn't like that he was wise to their plots, and he had too much power as a president so he had to go…


It isn't fascists fighting individuals Anon.

We believe in the individual brilliance of man.


But we understand MOVEMENTS are required to stop MOVEMENTS.


That has been propagandised out of you, and most Westerners, to allow you (us) to be raped and destroyed.

LGTH ID: 9c0ba3 June 27, 2022, 11:11 a.m. No.16537611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7781



He may choose to define himself as that if he wishes. And we'd still be free to define him as White or not, as is our wish.


That is how categories work. It is at the discretion of the categoriser. It does not require consent or agreement from the categorised.


Jews are not White.


Caucasian plus mixed with other DNA yes. White, no.


White does not refer to skin colour, which Jews can share, but the very fact a person is "of European descent, without large or discernible admixture, and NON-Jewish".


I.e. the definition of White used for communication here is not an exact synonym for caucasian.


White, European, Caucasian, these each have their own nuances of meaning.


White, as used by people who are for the survival of the White race, and not ambivalent to it, and who have informed themselves of the issues facing it, counts people of European descent who are non-Jewish only.


If you are still confused think of White as shorthand for signifying a "White Aryan".


You would not claim that Jews are Aryan would you?


And if you are still confused, you can understand White = Amalek.


You would not claim Jews are Amalek would you? (at least via the modern use of the term).


Life is easy if you understand how language works.


A word used by a person, signifies what they intended to convey via their choice in word used.


This does not change by you wishing to impose your own definition on their word.


Even if you could successfully do so, you'd then only necessitate a change in word choice, not the actual argument, or thought form, which would remain the same.


The new word would still signify, in this case, X people, with Jews excluded. And would remain valid as such.


It is a stupid game to play.


And one you can solve yourself without troubling others. When you see a pro-White write White, understand he means, if you think White includes Jews, Whites minus Jews. So when you see his writing, just pretend instead of it just saying "Whites" it says "Whites minus Jews" and there, hey presto, you will be able to avoid making an issue about your own lack of understanding, and move on.


i.e. Jews are not included in "Whites minus Jews", or simply "Whites".


Whites and Jews are not the same people. i.e. DIFFERENT culture, DIFFERENT attributes, DIFFERENT histories. DIFFERENT orientations. DIFFERENT DNA. DIFFERENT ancestries. DIFFERENT Gods.


When DNA for various groups are plotted Ashkenazi Jews CLEARLY align equidistant between actual European Whites, and modern Middle Easterners. i.e. with admixture from both.


European Whites however, do not show such a mix, and appear separately when plotted, without overlap. Jews are genetically distinct from European Whites. Yes, even Ashkenazi Jews.

LGTH ID: 9c0ba3 June 27, 2022, 11:24 a.m. No.16537735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7800



You are the division shill.


I am racist. I am happy to work toward happiness, justice and freedom however with any person of any race.


I only will not work with people actively harming my race, whether they cloak themselves in anti-racism or not.


UNITY should not be expected to be had with people, who, under the guise of anti-racism, are okay with the dispossession of Whites of their homelands, and who are ok with such harm befalling Whites.


i.e. Unity can either be between non-Whites who are GENUINELY for Whites keeping their racial rights to their lands, and retaining their self-determination upon them (which necessitates excluding others), and racist Whites…


…or between non-Whites and Whites who are both FOR White genocide and dispossession.


Two unities are possible. I, a racist White, have no trouble working with and respecting non-Whites who aren't setting their foot on the scales of the genocide& dispossession of my people, WHICH THEY ARE IF THEY ARE INSISTING WHITES BE anti-racist.


Are you for White genocide or not Anon?


If you are against it, then you must support Whites being racist, and we can work together, no division.


If you are not against it, because you think Whites must be anti-racist, you are the division shill Anon. And an arsehole.


This is reality as it is.


Arseholes ask for anti-racist unity around anti-racism, from people being dispossessed due to anti-racism.


Sometimes being ACTUALLY good, requires you to be thought of as bad by the mainstream, and requires you to do the opposite of what the mainstream are being brainwashed to do.

LGTH ID: 9c0ba3 June 27, 2022, 11:38 a.m. No.16537888   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Covered. Caucasian, in context, is not a synonym for White.


When a White Nationalist is writing using the word White, it means "of predominantly European descent, without any more than trace Jewish ancestry or other obvious or large admixture from others".


Different words have different shades of meaning, and different groups can use the same word, with different shades of meaning.


i.e. a Black can say something is "turn't up" and I can say nothing was turned at all. Or I can understand that the Negro is saying "that is cool" when translated into my own language.


You do have a word or word sequence that you can use to differentiate Whites minus Jews, from Whites inclusive of Jews right? To refer to the X-Jews group alone?


So that is the definition of White, in context of how we use the word, like turn't up is for others.


In either case, the reality remains, that Jews and Whites who are not Jews, are genetically, culturally, ancestrally (etc etc etc) distinct. That is, they can be physically, in the real world, differentiated.


A Jew when they are criticising Whites also, understands they are not referring to Jews. As does a White Nationalist.


If dealing with language as it is is too difficult for your little brain, you can sub in Aryan, White Aryan, Person of Light, or Amalek when you see a White Nationalist use the word White.


Then, you can clear up the (feigned) confusion that exists in your mind only.