Kari Lake just put that fatfuck Brett Baier on the spot. That a girl! o7
Is it really relevant? To anything? Transvestite drama does not interest me.
Because who she's fighting against never lies. Never. I don't give a flying fuck about smears against her. I suspect most people don't either, but I'm not in their heads nor do I speak for them.
Fair, balanced, and unafraid. I call bullshit on that one, Brett. You are too much of a pussy to ever have Kari on your show again.
Fuck off, sinister imbecile. Your slide is old news. We've moved on. Come up with a new lie.
I suspect that is about to change.
Anons are on fire today. I can feel it. Love you dirty bastards, no homo.
Ew, intel operands and syntax.
eor.w d0,d0
move.w #8, d0
ror.w #1, d0
ori.w #1, d0
Ahh… that's better.