Wasn't acknowledged by Dan at all. Nope. They are not friendly. That's called a LARP.
No you didn't, you said one when there are 2 posts but 3 actions, not one by any means. Unless you cannot count.
You're okay with being conned. Got it.
He got in with a LARP group which he was too stupd to know OR sneakily knew about.
Remember when Jim called anons QTards?
That one I don't have, sorry. I'm not in the habit of hanging on his every word since he uses that stupid audio app. Someone else may had that. a year or so back he blamed qtards back when fj still owned it.
it was not endearing usage. it was more like "I'm going to coup these assholes" which he did so…
Dan also asked for giving the flag back to POTUS. Babyfist Confirmed flag thief.
It's the same damned place. Same trajectory. Same tweets. Same logic. Same providence. SAME SOURCE.
Correct, I'm pointing out the logic can be used to assert different points with everything else being equal. Confirmed B is a flag thief. Sauce: >>16542270
Also sauce: Babyfist has never shown off a picture which he would have done so he still has the flag, are you really surprised?