Anonymous ID: 0ed5f6 June 6, 2018, 5:15 p.m. No.1654426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4544 >>4556 >>4633 >>4928



NORTH FULTON COUNTY, Ga. - A sting on the sex-trafficking trade in metro Atlanta netted dozens of arrests and the rescue of dozens of children forced into sexual servitude, the FBI announced this week.


Operation Safe Summer was a collaborative effort between the FBI’s Atlanta field office and 38 law enforcement agencies in six metro counties, assistant Special Agent in Charge Matt Alcoke told Channel 2’s Mike Petchenik.


“They are crimes of special concern to the FBI and to law enforcement generally,” Alcoke said. “Because the victims are so vulnerable as children and because the offenders could be from just about any walk of life, from a gang member all the way up to someone who is highly successful and wealthy.”


The sting ended with nearly 160 children rescued, including one as young as 3 years old, and nearly 150 arrests, convictions or sentences, officials said.


Alcoke said the operation was scheduled before the summer months as a way to put a dent in a trade that preys on children at a time when they have more freedom.


“It’s important for those of us who are responsible for the children, the parents, the guardians, the older siblings, to not let children fall away (from) those strongly centered circles of importance,” Alcoke said.


Among those charged, Alcoke said Trevey Parks was a convicted sex offender out of prison who forced a juvenile to work in the sex trade for him.


“Trevey Parks is one of the worst of the worst,” Alcoke said. “He enticed a child to travel for sex with him. He was ultimately arrested in a joint effort by us and the local police."


In Alpharetta, police told Petchenik they arrested several suspected pimps and prostitutes and rescued one teenager who’d been forced into sexual servitude.“A lot of people don’t realize these things happen here,” department spokesman Howard Miller told Petchenik.


Miller said detectives scoured the internet for evidence of prostitution and then moved in to make arrests, but he said it’s been getting more difficult.


“Backpage has been taken down. A lot these pages will pop up and be available for a few days. They’ll have the types of information and the people available on it, our agents will take a look at that and start their investigation and before they know it, the page is down,” Miller said.

Anonymous ID: 0ed5f6 June 6, 2018, 5:42 p.m. No.1654666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4705

SERCO, SES & Wet-Ware



(MAY 16, 2018)—On Jan. 02, 2018, a British Crown-controlled company named Serco Inc. was awarded a $610 million contract to manage FEMA Region 9 that covers Arizona, California, Nevada, Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. On Jul. 16, 2013, Obama awarded Serco a $1.2 billion contract to run the Obamacare website. Serco also manages the air traffic control towers in 63 U.S. airports, and has been paid more than $95 million to run the U.S. Patent and Trademark examination processes. See substantiating evidence below.




Why have we not heard of them? More to the point, why are we outsourcing critical American infrastructure, ingenuity and private medical information on every U.S. citizen to sworn agents of the British Crown?!


Serco’s most recent 2016 annual report published at Companies House in London provides critical clues about Serco’s unstated mission. In looking at Serco’s bizarre collection of subsidiaries, one is left with the evident conclusion that something nefarious is afoot.


Fig. 2—SES and Serco plan to control




Serco builds nuclear weapons, provides housing for migrants, reviews U.S. patents, runs the Obamacare website, operates obvious money-laundering shell companies in the Middle East, is teamed with Lockheed Martin, builds ships, manages massive IT infrastructure, manufactures space vehicles, runs job placement agencies, provides air traffic control to cities, runs rail services, manages parking meters, oversees FEMA Region 9, manages courts and prisons, and runs sports and recreation centers. Huh? This is the weirdest list of companies one can imagine, until one overlays Richard C. Walker’s “wet-ware” patents on top, then it makes sense.


This Serco list of 73 subsidiaries revealed a shocking correlation among; (1) Serco’s business interests, (2) the activities of the Senior Executive Service (SES), and (3) the monstrous “Internet of Things” patents filed by Richard C. Walker, Hewlett-Packard and Agilent Technologies.




In the Walker patents, human beings or people are labeled as mere “wet-ware.” “Wet works” is a spy euphemism for assassination. Tellingly, Obama’s chief of staff, John D. Podesta, used the term just days before Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead in Texas, after which Obama immediately began promoting SES gloabalist Merrick B. Garland to replace him at the Supreme Court.


The association of the spy tradecraft “wet” words is apparent. Walker does not even hide it, he states that his patents are intended to track and control everything and ever body in this world, even ino low orbit—The Internet of Things. It is apparent that neither Walker nor his SES handlers ever expected deplorables to read his work. We have.



Anonymous ID: 0ed5f6 June 6, 2018, 5:46 p.m. No.1654705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4714 >>4893 >>5049


Trips don't lie!



In addition, both British and American attorneys are given the title of “Esquire” despite the fact that Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the U.S. Constitution prohibits the federal government from granting titles of nobility due to the corrupting foreign influences.


The fact is, American lawyers, judges, law professors and students are organized into an elaborate British-styled union called The American Inns of Court with over 30,000 members. It is directly modeled on the British Inns of Court comprised of four “Temples” in and around the City of London and Westminster.


Tellingly, our American Inns of Court nowhere mention the U.S. Constitution in their charter documents, including their Vision Statement and Professional Creed. To whom do they pledge? To “the movement” and a generic “Rule of Law.”


When one considers that The City of London UK banking center is adjacent to the British Inns of Court temples, one begins to get the picture. The British Army may have withdrawn in 1776, but Britain’s bankers and lawyers dug in, and have never left. Now, a British company name Serco is being tapped by the SES to finish the job of bringing the American colonies to heel.


Bookmark: #serco-group-plc




Serco Group UK Plc’s most recent annual report (2016) appears to be a very odd assortment of companies ranging from outer space, military, air traffic control and satellites to nuclear weapons, parking, pathology, laundry and immigration housing.


The following slides summarize our findings and conclusion that Serco was selected by Deep State shadow government globalists to manage the implementation of the SES soft kill of our population.


Here’s a full list of Serco Group Plc’s subsidiaries taken directly from their 2016 annual financial report.

Anonymous ID: 0ed5f6 June 6, 2018, 6:08 p.m. No.1654871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4910

Iranian Parliament Vice Speaker: ‘We Won’t Accept New Nuclear Deal’


Ali Motahari, the vice chairman of Iran’s Parliament, commented on the nuclear deal, cooperation with Europe and Kazakhstan’s decision to provide its ports for US military operations.


In his exclusive interview for Sputnik Iran, the vice chairman of the Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran, Ali Motahari, spoke about perspectives of collaboration of Iranian and European companies if the US exits the Iranian deal; he also expressed Iran's position regarding proposals to review the nuclear agreement; he also evaluated the actions of Kazakhstan, who offered the United States its ports on the Caspian Sea to transit military cargo to Afghanistan.


Underscoring Iran's readiness to increase cooperation with European companies — which can include providing certain privileges — he noted, that, considering the US' pressure, the key role will be played by the politics of the countries who these companies represent.


"Of course, this problem involves countries whose residents these companies are — how much those countries will support their companies so that they can overcome damages that could be inflicted by American sanctions," Motahari told Sputnik. "Maybe, they will be able to compensate this damage as European countries did, for example, in 1996, acting against US sanctions on Cuba."


"Iran, of course, is ready for cooperation. Maybe, certain privileges would be implemented to motivate the companies to sign agreements. But in general, the companies should be supported by their nations," he added.


Speaking about France's proposal to start negotiations on a new nuclear agreement, Motahari claimed that the only agreement that determines Iran's actions regarding nuclear program is the JCPOA [Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action].


"Iran considers the negotiation process complete and will not accept any changes or amendments in the JCPOA or a new agreement. There's no need for that. We work only based on JCPOA," he said.


Commenting on Kazakhstan's decision to provide their ports in the Caspian Sea for US military cargo transit to Afghanistan, Motahari condemned the nation's authorities.


"Any foreign forces or bases, located in our region, harm the regional countries," he said. "The countries of the region should solve the problems of the Caucasus and the Middle East themselves and they should also oppose foreign forces being located there. Kazakhstan acted badly by making this step."

Anonymous ID: 0ed5f6 June 6, 2018, 6:35 p.m. No.1655084   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Buckingham Palace tourist guide jailed for having 15,000 child porn images on his computer