"Pretending to be Q is safe and fun for all the family" - NOT
This is the single hottest username in internet history you morans. Nothing even comes close.
And any regular person larping as Q by using their trip code would be in the shit with, in order of the butthurt they could bring any time soon…
1: The Democratic Party and influential elements among the 3-letter agencies who are currently their eager henchmen, because if they could snatch a random member of the public playing at being Q, it would be a chance to "prove" q was a larp and hit a heavy blow to Orange Man and anons, and freedom of speech, they'd probably have him up on terrorist incitement and a dozen other charges…
2: RINOs, who'd love nothing more than to flip the finger at to the America First MAGA wing they so obviously hate and despise, and make them look like a bunch of weirdoes…
3: the MSM who'd tear the larper and their family apart for shits n'giggles, and to stick it to Trump and the alternative media, I mean look what they did to Libs of TikTok and Kyle rittenhouse…
4: Trump and MAGA politicians and whatever legal power they control, if/WHEN they get real power and the ability to prosecute someone trying to mess with their followers by subverting Q for personal gain
I can't think of a hotter hot-seat to be in, and for what, a few dollars here and there from ad revenue? Teeshirt concession? Give me a break. Pull that shit off and NO-ONE is going to be in your side, or have your back, not even a total change of administration and a 180 by news media, every influential party out there has something to gain from destroying the life of an everyday citizen caught posting through that Q tripcode.
Gotta be easier ways to grift a few bux.
However requests for verification are standard and reasonable and the least to be expected, with the influence that lil' letter has, and after such a long break and with all the questions raised by now.