Anonymous ID: 22e050 June 6, 2018, 7:09 p.m. No.1655369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5379 >>5673 >>5736

Dear God, make me pay for whatever I owe to the cosmos,

forgive my wrongdoings for I am truly in pain and ashamed of my wrongdoings.

Please make me a tool of your Mighty Will and let me be a conduct of love and joy for my family and friends,

let me give them not tears, but smiles.

let me give them not fear, but faith.

not sadness, but happiness.

give me wisdom and strength.

because til this point in my life I've proven that I know horseshit about how to live life.

and at this point I just want to do good but I don't know who to trust.

please show me the way.

let my mother and father be happy,

let me find my true desire.

take care of every anon who is a true truth seeker,

give them strength, wisdom and health.

remove my doubts,

and since Mr. Donald Trump is fighting on the side of Goodness,

give him all the strength he needs.

please take away my pain and suffering.
