Anonymous ID: 83a3df June 6, 2018, 7:41 p.m. No.1655612   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Some of (((these))) are dedicated enough to fool newbies. We keep doing PSA, but some serious overhaul may be needed in the future.


This shit cannot turn into reddit lite. /pol/ spirit is essential to the #greatawakening, and we need it back.



Anonymous ID: 83a3df June 6, 2018, 7:43 p.m. No.1655623   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



"We Cannot Defy The US": European Refiners Fold To Trump, Will Stop Buying Iran Crude




"For all of Europe's bluster, and increasingly vocal "resistance" to Trump unique approach to international politics, especially when it comes to Iran when Brussels swore it would defy the US president and continue business as usual with Tehran, it took Europe about a month to fold, and as Reuters reports European refiners are now unofficially winding down oil purchases from Iran, closing the door on a fifth of the OPEC memberโ€™s crude exports.


And since the only true leverage that Iran had vis-a-vis Europe was its deeply discounted crude oil, the shuttering of crude purchases from the Islamic republic will suddenly make European governments especially ambivalent whether to continue fighting Trump in hopes of salvaging the Iranian nuclear, when there is only downside left.

How did Trump win? By the implicit threat to sanctioning and cutting off Europe's financial institutions, and although European governments have not - yet - followed Washington by creating new sanctions, banks, insurers and shippers are gradually severing ties with Iran under pressure from the U.S. restrictions, making trade with Tehran complicated and risky, and if anything, all cash (or bitcoin)."


(((EU))) folding under pressure, moar winning for POTUS and MAGA.


This is great news.

Anonymous ID: 83a3df June 6, 2018, 7:50 p.m. No.1655677   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5734



Plus most JIDF and black hat types are operator assisted BOTS, algos, etc.


You see the same shit snytax, mixed in with some operator input 'conversations' that are actual human texts. (((they))) eat up literally 40% of breads now with no content or dead end topics. muhalice, muhqislarp muhqisn'tcomingback, muhracism muhantisemitismz muhfeelz muhnodivisionz (for (((them)))).


Literally (((MSM))) 101. No matter how many times this message is repeated, newbies seem to just gloss over them.


(((shills))) are responding to each other to manufacture consensus we know, and many of the 'replies' to these JIDF types are 50/50 shill buddy/useful idiots. Nevertheless, fucking newfags from reddit and stupid grandma/mommy types think they are still talking on kikebook.


Truth bends knee to no one. The only way to make truth 'ineffective' at least until blackhats carry out their phase of the plan is to bury, mock, and derail it. aka buy time.


Which (((they))) are doing right now with 'poison the water tactics' that newfags are swallowing wholesale.


Let's see where all this goes. Original autists like us are all still here. I would seriously consider some kind of military action and [kill] missions against these shills at this point. Perfectly legitimate - enemy combatants. KILL.