Anonymous ID: bf175d June 6, 2018, 7:30 p.m. No.1655513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5522 >>5578


This is true, but the new age/modern christianity way it's taught is so simplistic as to be dangerous. Kinda like saying nuclear fission is the most powerful force on earth therefore shaking cans of enriched Uranium at people will solve all problems. Sometimes love means drawing boundaries, defending good things even if it means hurting feelings or otherwise causing harm/losses in whatever force you're resisting. SJW's don't understand this. They substitute license or tolerance for love. Modern christians substitute the same for "forgiveness," where the bible actually teaches forgiveness is meant to be given only when there is repentance, i.e. a cessation of offending behavior. It's not a bottomless get-out-of-jail-free card.


Love without wisdom is ill-advised when surrounded by snakes (think Trump's snake poem). For you well-meaning light workers, liberals and christian newbs joining the board, please understand this kind of mindset is where we anons come from with our "tough love" angle. We view free speech and holding one another accountable as love of our ideals, and we fight hard so that we can all live up to them.