>>16553281 (pb)
>locked out
That makes zero sense.
Trip really blocked?
Just post one of these AF1 pics, just another one.
That's not happening.
I wonder why.
>>16553281 (pb)
>locked out
That makes zero sense.
Trip really blocked?
Just post one of these AF1 pics, just another one.
That's not happening.
I wonder why.
That sounds like ASS, you know ASS.
"watch POTUS", see, here this when I add 5 to the numbers and multiply by 33, I get my number out, so that's totally a proof.
Didn't ASS posted about some retarded shit w/ screenshots, where ASS claimed Q talked with him about specific things, while in reality nothing of that happened? This reminds me of that. Just make shit up.
See, POTUS said "watch", that confirms me, because I also wrote "watch".
It's really getting ridiculous.
>POTUS 23:54:46
>New-Que 00:41:40
>Wow, this new Q knows exactly when POTUS posted almost an hour ago.
>zero hour delta!!!
>fuck, you see totally different time zones
That would mean your screenshot is shit.
>my screenshot doesn't use the same time zone, despite my computer being on the same time zone
1 hour zero delta
Your post is so lame, I'm too lazy to even check it. Image also contains no sauces either. Your post smells of ASS.
>but but the Que-post went in a few seconds earlier
That's not zero delta either.
Let me show you an actual zero delta.
>but but impossible, the posters that did that must be Q
And that was on the same platform.
other post (assume it's not photoshopped)
>zero delta
He is mentally retarded.
14 second delta
But do that over the next month or so, maybe by accident you will get a zero delta. When POTUS posts, simply post as well. At some point it will happen. You can do it, Que.
>TOR is to blame for my 14 second delta
>TOR is also to blame why I claimed zero delta, while in reality it's not and my screenshots even show that I'm wrong
Why is your Que posting using TOR, while trying to get - your quote - "impossible zero deltas" - meanwhile you are posting in the clear?
Has Jim somehow blocked all Que-IPs too?
Can't Que go to public internet cafe and post from there to get the easy to get zero delta?
Just use POTUS's internet access, what's the problem?
Has Jim blocked POTUS's internet access as well?
Why hasn't Jim blocked your IPs?
Just using logic to dismantle you.
>Why is your Q posting from TOR?
Jim said why and that's plausible.
Is the same true for your Que?
Still if that's the case, why would your Que try to get zero deltas?
Is that why your Que can't post AF1 pics?
Can't your Que send you the AF1 pics and let you post them on here for him?
Also wait isn't the military basically controlling TOR? But your military operation fails at getting zero deltas using TOR despite trying to, why exactly?
So your entire arguments comes down to "We just gotta trust my stupid screenshots and my claims"
>no answers
I'm not surprised.
Actually deleted posts are deleted on qresear.ch as well, otherwise you would find tons of cp on there.
The cp spam bot posts cp links.
>Q posted after POTUS, that confirms
jack shit
you are not helping your case.
Also isn't it TOR?
You said zero deltas are impossible.
How do you know that Que posted it within a minute? Maybe TOR simply took 3 minutes.
I said 0 delta were impossible?
Where did I say that?
Please point to the post where I did.
Let me check what you are going:
>Jim enables TOR posting
>Q with trip using TOR is fake
>but somehow new Que without trip is real Q, but also using TOR
Why would real Q - assuming that Jim is comp'd and posts as a LARP - post using TOR as well and not being able to deliver simply proofs like another AF1 pic?
You seem to be an expert on Que, so tell me.
>Ask Q
Why would I ask Q about something that you claimed?
Who is "they"?
>pretends that Jim is compromised and thus platform compromised
>somehow pretends that Q would post on another board on Jim's platform
>only posts on clearnet over there, because the platform owner has no control over there
Are you taking drugs?
>I didn't claim anything
Let's fact check this.
>I said that you faggots said 0 delta were impossible
>you faggots said 0 delta were impossible
>I didn't claim anything
What else are you lying about?
And be honest, you do take drugs, don't you.
Wow, I broke the bot somehow.
Thought it was human, but it's a bot.
Quoted the bot, and the bot thinks it's what I wrote.
>Just learning english?
Bot insults itself, top fucking kek
>is verification
Remember the common phrase "how many COINCIDENCES before mathematically impossible?"
A familiar phrase?
Where do we "run off"?
We are here, have been here for ages, not going away, despite getting banned last year by you homo. Staying here until the end.
Go somewhere else, your shilling is useless and doesn't work.
You are only wasting our time, which is probably your job.
Go to reddit.