if Q was indeed a MIL operation
how dangerous would it be
if someone get a hold on the Q trip
if Q was indeed a MIL operation
how dangerous would it be
if someone get a hold on the Q trip
Isn't it up to anons
to verify this to 100%
since we are well aware about the shit happening?
This Zero Delta is not enough, considering all the OSS crew shit flying around.
Do better Q, get Trump to post some comms for reconfirmation.
OSS shitcrew is about to burn!
>say three times OSS
>and he will pop up
/hivemind/ own by OSS
would it be a strech to think that the hijacking was part of the plan?
Why are we part of the plan?
Why are we here?
Could it be….
>from 4/v/ to 8/v/
>from 4/pol/ to 8/qresearch/
Come on, OSS shitcrew, make another Q post.
Use your new power, push your agenda. Use it to post your zion research papers.
Its your call now, OSS. Your time to shine. Push it.
but QSS does, and since this castle belongs to the discord shitcrew, they can do what ever they want.
The enemy is watching this thread too, QSS, your enemy.
OSS shitcrew really tried hard to hijack the hearing of jan.6th.
OSS shitcrew are not some random shitposter on the internet.
They do it for free.
Where are you OSS? You are boring, show yourself. Fucking faggot. Never thought you where such a pussy.
the latest Q post had no impact what so ever, the board reversed right back to questioning the trust of this board.
Maybe the discord shitcrew needs to shill harder or make another Q post?
desperation of the deep state, to trust Q doesn't mean to trust watkins.
>BO & Team
Q never told us whom to trust
think foryourself he always said
why the need to rebuild trust on this board?
This board is comped, it always was comped, from day one.
But why are we here?
What is the endgame of Q?
Q let his trip getting hijacking on purpose?
Is this about truthsocial?
Is this about the goons of the deep state?
Is OSS and his shitcrew part of the swamp?
Who is OSS?
Who is FastJack?
Who is Babyfist?
Who is Doge?
Who is Jim?
LIsten QSS, this was your second attempt, only a crazy person tries the same shit again. Show yourself retards. You are in the spotlight now.
I am behind seven linux distros, try harder.
the standart format for videos on a chan board is webm, there is a specific reason for it.
Like "Listen and Believe"?
today OSS is boring, but i am sure behind the scene they are running around like a chicken without a head.
But hey, did you noticed that the bot spam is gone? They really try hard to sell you this new Q shit.
in the next bread everything is set back to 0
trust has to be earned
Anon knows
Congratulation, OSS.
You got full control over this board back, your narrative seems to work and you can now use your new Q trip.
Nobody will questioning it at this point.
you will see
>Believe => dig
>Don't believe => dig
so, we either dig into something or we dig into a smoke screen?
Better stay blind?
It's real.
Hey guys, there is that whamen known as Zoe Quin who used her body to have sex with tons of journalist to push her product on the market that was full with agenda driven shit developed by DiGRA, a sister company of DARPA, a military research company.