Anonymous ID: 1cdd3e June 29, 2022, 10:54 a.m. No.16557235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7427

Reposting since I hit the end of bread….


Just a thought.

The previous military coup was about as quiet as could be.

I was still in at the time and only heard a few whispers that something was going on… but didn't get word till later after I was out, some of the truth.

I'm still don't have all the particulars of what happened.

It may have been the members didn't understand the true scope of the evil and corruption or the full scope of the power over other militaries and weapons at the time.

I just don't have that knowledge… yet.

I was later cut off from my contacts… in 2019.

What is happening now, with OUR help, is the awakening of the PEOPLE and the Worlds population to the controllers behind the curtains.

A out in the open visible coup by information warfare.

Knowledge shared by US so the public can SEE the Light and understand why things are happening and who is doing it to them.

Spreading the word of taking back local offices as well as County and State leads to National reform that can save this Country.

The enemy will not give up till they are pulled down.

This is the only way… breaking the fake reality of propaganda media lies so the PEOPLE understand and step up to take back control.

I still believe in the core of the military, the true leaders that make it work. The SNCO's and NCO's.

My brothers and sisters, #Holdtoyouroath to the #Constitution for all OUR Freedom and OUR #Children.

For the rest of the American PEOPLE.

It is time for you to #Wakeup, #StepUp, #BetheHeroes.

There is no Avengers or Supermen coming to save you from their EVIL.

WE are the Majority.

WE are the Red Wave and WE ARE THE STORM.


Have a nice day!

Anonymous ID: 1cdd3e June 29, 2022, 11:33 a.m. No.16557649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7656 >>7661


They all know [they] are going to crash the economy and are getting out.

Not hard to figure out.

Probably the riots will destroy many stores so they can collect insurance and they don't plan on rebuilding.

3rd world shit coming IMHO.

Only thing that might save us is Red State economies.

Anonymous ID: 1cdd3e June 29, 2022, 12:06 p.m. No.16557988   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The fact that you are a IP hopping bitch isn't helping your attempt at convincing anyone.

Tell your Media Matters boss you're a failure and too stupid for the job.