California needs election integrity help to MAGA.
Kris Kobach: ‘Every Kind of Voter Fraud You Can Imagine is Easier to Commit in California’
Kansas Secretary of State and gubernatorial candidate Kris Kobach says “every kind of voter fraud” is “easier to commit in California” compared to states that have laws protecting the votes of its citizens.
Kobach said:
"Statewide, California is a very loose state when it comes to voter fraud and protection. You don’t have voter ID, you don’t have proof of citizenship, you don’t have all kinds of things that other states have. So my guess is that California has a very significant voter fraud problem.
In your question, you suggested that maybe an individual who you were talking to might have suspected that the counties may not be counting them correctly. I don’t see that as a problem, I just see that every kind of voter fraud that you can imagine is easier to commit in California than in states like Kansas and other states that have taken some steps to stop voter fraud."
Kobach has led the national fight against voter fraud in the U.S., defending states’ right to make residents provide proof of citizenship before registering to vote.
The gubernatorial candidate has also strongly advised Congress to stop counting illegal aliens in Congressional apportionment, a policy which he says “grossly distorts representation in Congress.” Instead, Kobach says only U.S. citizens should be represented by members of Congress.