Kelly 290: Serco’s AWACS MH Sukhoi Horsemen, Rothschild’s Lutnick Wagers, Con Air Dum Dum SWAT
Kelly 290: Serco’s AWACS MH Sukhoi Horsemen, Rothschild’s Lutnick Wagers, Con Air Dum Dum SWAT
Sergei Millian – the Source Behind Anti-Trump Steele Dossier – Offered Papadopoulos $30K a Month to Be His Trump White House Operative
Former Trump Campaign volunteer George Papadopoulos pleaded guilty for making false statements to FBI agents.
Papadopoulos was a low level volunteer who was approached by Deep State informant Stefan Halper in London.
** Here is a copy of the Papadopoulos indictment that was filed back on October 5, 2017.
George Papadopoulos was in contact with Sergei Millian, who was the Steele “source” for the anti-Trump dossier.
According to Reddit contributor GeminiSi:
From the Statement of Offense.
10 – 11 April – George Papalopoulos (GP) emails the Russian female contact trying to set up a ‘foreign policy trip’ , which she agrees to eagerly.
26 April – GP meets Russian woman who tells him they can arrange a Putin-Trump meeting & have ‘dirt’ on HRC -/…
The Russians have another go. On June 9, the Trump Jr sting. A Russian woman promises dirt on HRC, but never delivers. Sound familiar?
And here’s an interesting fact. GP had another contact he never disclosed,- Sergei Millian.
And from an anti-Trump tweeter (Louise Mensch) who connects the two on 15 Aug 2017, but doesn’t quite get the significance: George Papadopoulos, who repeatedly tried to set up a Putin-Trump meeting per @WashPost, is tied to Sergei Millian… YES. Millian of Steele Dossier fame, see Sergei Millian.
Sergei Millian is one of 240 GP’s Facebook friends.
Millian told several people that during the campaign and presidential transition he was in touch with George Papadopoulos, a campaign foreign policy adviser, according to a person familiar with the matter. Millian is among Papadopoulos’s nearly 240 Facebook friends.
Flashback: Zuckerberg Assured Congress that Facebook, Now Publishing Mainstream News, Isn’t a Publisher
Fewer than two months before Facebook announced its plan to publish exclusive content from establishment media outlets, its CEO was assuring congress that the platform “isn’t a publisher.”
Questioned by Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-AK), Zuckerberg insisted that Facebook did not “produce the content” that populates the platform, implying that it was therefore not subject to the usual regulations that publishers face (including legal liability for their content).
From Breitbart’s article at the time:
[Sen. Sullivan:] “So — which are you? Are you a tech company, or are you the world’s largest publisher? Because I think that goes to a really important question on what form of regulation or government action, if any, we would take.”
Zuckerberg gave a mealy-mouthed response, saying he “views [Facebook] as a tech company, because the primary thing we do is build technology and products”
Sullivan interjected: “But you said you’re responsible for your content. Which makes you kind of a publisher, right?”
Zuckerberg’s response: “I agree that we’re responsible for the content, but we don’t produce the content. I think that when people ask us whether we’re a media company or a publisher, my understanding of the heart of what they’re getting at is, do we feel responsibility for the content that’s on our platform.”
“The answer to that I think is clearly yes, but I don’t think that’s incompatible with [what’s] fundamentally at our core, being a technology company where the main thing that we do is have engineers and build products.”
Now that Facebook has announced its program of publishing exclusive news content from establishment and left-leaning outlets, it will be much harder for the company to escape the charge that it is no longer a neutral, unbiased platform. This could mean Facebook falls outside the bounds of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which currently grants it legal immunity for content posted by Facebook users.
If Facebook is held legally responsible for the billions of posts published on the platform, it would be a fundamental threat to its business model.