Q, please get rid of pig. He has been a terrible blight. I know you are saving for last but maybe just this once.
Pig has done major damage to the cause.
It would be much, much better without his posts and pics.
He is a negative, pure and simple.
Better off without.
Mr. Pig is a self promoting homosexual. Lots of this and that and other things that have absolutely no substance, meaning or results. His whole existence is just filler and fluff.
More interesting than a Mr. Pig post.
My neighbor lady weighs 400 +.
She just got home, sat in her car for 15 minutes after parking and got out with a big brown paper bag (grease stains on the bottom four inches).
Triple dubs donโt lie
Most important and meaningful pig post of all time. Everyone just lost a little IQ. Thanks pig.
Second most significant pig post of all time. We just lost a little more IQ. Pretty soon, we may all be able to post such as pig does.