you've got mail
Wasn't that post referring to the EO?
So far the charges are only about bank fraud, correct?
Rep Louie and Luke are about the only two talking about what the Awans actually did…
No…the news is real.
Awans have not been charged with spying.
That part is 100% true.
Trust Sessions - yes I do.
But, with Awan cutting a deal, he may never be publicly charged with what he did.
Public needs to know.
So, are you saying Luke Rosiak is part of the cabal?
Or am I misunderstanding you?
Luke is the only media type that ever talks about the Awans…and he seems frustrated with Sessions.
dot matrix
They've already started….'FBI spied on Trump for the good of the country'.
Seeing it all over social media.
bin Laden
Extortion 17
Yemen raid where SEAL died
Awans were there during Bush
Bigger than most of us know.