>>1648746 Q made it clear to us that Snowden is a honeypot CIA glow in the dark nigger who would have never escaped the country if (((THEY))) weren't helping him. Confirmed by the deaths of everyone who helped him build SecureDrop and all the whistleblowers who used it. Then he seemed to flip when he threw Zuckerberg under the bus, starting off the probe with congress, so I figured he took a deal like a rat who realized he was on a sinking ship. Now I'm not so sure. Maybe that was all a ruse to gain credibility. Maybe Zuckerberg was expendable or going down anyway. Now I'm starting to doubt Assange as well. He's done so much for us with WikiLeaks, but that could have been part of longer con. Q's position on JA seems less clear to me. The Deep State players seem to positioning to defend him now to discredit Q and Trump. This new development with DotCom asking for Snowden and Assange to help him make a new twitter. Very suspect. They may be trying to use the sleeping publics trust in Assange/Snowden to mount a movement to discredit Q. Or to discredit Assange by association now that (((they))) know that we know the Snowden is a black hat.