I know the Democrats are down to just throwing any shit against the wall, but I can't believe that Cassidy Hutchinson was the only turd that they could find that would stick…
Joe Biden is a terrible actor!!!
He can't even act like he knows what he is doing…
true…I stand corrected if that was the role he signed up for…he gets a academy award for that…
that was the first thing that came to mind when twitter was saying that they haven't seen Elon in 9 days…
let's see… a billionaire who works with high tech Tesla experiments and is missing…hmmmm…
It must be pretty bad for CNN to have to come here to get the NEWS…I'm guessing no more journalists there any more…
funny you should say "oh boy" b/c that's the last thing he said in every episode…
so, should we share with them our News or just give them the propaganda…maybe we should introduce them to OSS…that would be fun…
no clue, but with his energy, he would never left the studio…