What is at stake?
Who has control?
Who was surprised?
>the media was surprised that sservice were willing to testify that cassidy was lying?
What is at stake?
Who has control?
Who was surprised?
>the media was surprised that sservice were willing to testify that cassidy was lying?
[their] corruption is obvious 2 Anons?
[their] corruption is obvious to Newbies?
is [their] corruption obvious to Normies?
can Q make it moar obvious?
how obvious can Q make it?
when can you make a plant obvious?
whose plant?
how did liz fall so hard for it; emotions?
jus asking
now they have to discredit 2 ppl for 1 possible plant to continue?
strange game kek
Ardis explains how hospitals think, might come in handy if the pattern is the same
if you have good insurance hospitals will use every 'covid mesure'?
Dr Ardis joins Diamond and Silk to discuss the Juice Juice.
Diamond and Silk
Published June 24, 2022 2,725 Views
carry zinc in your blood cells to block viruses?
combine it w zinc?
hmm that link is going to the wrong video, idk why
dang, Ardis explained it well in that vid
here is another link but audio only, start at 20 min
EP | 183 Dr Ardis joins Diamond and Silk to discuss deadly hospital