Trump Grabbed the Wheel
Meanwhile . . . in biden's ride
Trump Grabbed the Wheel
Meanwhile . . . in biden's ride
have you been REALRAWNEWS 'd ?
wrong. dual system is the shit system.
>really thought of everything.
this is incorrect, by focusing on everything one is too busy, and may never focus on a single thing. thus 1700 days of Awol followed up by 4 sentences of nothing. (it was Late news too, I think I Heard about that bitch before the shit drop)
Fuck this Savior shit.
I've posted more news than the four lines in 7 one day
> tho if you don't want to be on the death threat list.
Jesus fucking tits get the fuck out of here with this.
see where it says ALOHA. look how it's not his problem to worry about.
Just thought I might toss that in.
which light are they working for?
lucifer in his mighty cave too has light.
lucifer = gain by deception
He has light. e.g. the Lightbearer.
none of this means shit really.
I never had it. eh, I hope you see my point
ip hopped for desc here is any kind of 1pbtid spam post than you know came from a set no?