Okay, working theory on 111, stay with me folks.
We all know the Trump and Tesla connections. Tesla was working on a time machine.
>Black hats obtained and weaponized.
They could see traitors a mile off and prevent capture.
Consider Mandela Effect
Now consider, you can see past/present/future and are a white hat.
How do you determine where you are? How do you steer the timeline?
The 111 day dig for the North Korea meet cracked it for me.
>Trump and Kim have already met.
Deal is done.
But in the future?
>Crumbs are for Anon, but also a map of reference. See the future, map it out. From future, create past. Guide yourself with a cypher. 111 days.
Very complex but possible.
Why is POTUS never wrong?
Must read on Tesla Time Travel
Recommend watching movie ARRIVAL. Deals with Time/Language/Understanding