Alright guys, this is as far as I've gotten with the 'cipher' so far.
So take this first Q post about Hillary getting arrested.
Don't know if it's legit, but I'll assume so for this experiment.
Don't know if I'm right but hopefully I can activate your almonds either way.
The post was made Oct 28 at 14 oclock with a timestamp of 14:33:50
So according to the format given by notQ, our dataset would be:
So what's the cipher to decode this?
I tried looking at the clock as the cipher.
One data set at a time.
Find 10/28 on the clock, then find the 2 o clock marker (14 = 2 oclock) and count the space between them.
The answer is 10.
So 10,28,14 = 10.
Next for 14,33,50, find 2 oclock again, then find the :33 marker and count the spaces between them.
The answer is 23. Discarded the seconds though, flaw in my derivation?
So the answer is 10/23 potentially. The lines up with the 10/28 on the clock as well.
Just coincidence? Did I do something wrong? Did I cut too many corners? Unknown.
Something to think about.