personal favor?
Which 2016 Pres Candidate wants to pardon themselves?
Which Party supports KKK til easily into 2000s (2010, in fact)?
Which 2016 Pres Candidate considered an Exalted Cyclops of the KKK a personal mentor?
What Dem Pres was killed a week after what speech?
His son was killed a week before releasing his tell all book, Which 2016 pres candidate was his friend?
Why did the Big Switch happen?
What was the political affiliation of the sheriff that arrested (illegally) MLKs dad?
Who has made fun of a famous immigrant (think WH immigrants accent recently?)
Who Implemented stop and frisk?
WHO was RFKs friend?
Why does pres pray for guidance in name of JFK every day in WH?
Did the "big switch" ever happen?
Has Dem Pol ever benefitted AAs?
Welfare, Stop and Frisk, Whos fought against segregation?
Who is reinstituting it?
When you're so woke you reinstitute Racial Segregation …
Congrats (:s)…
Wake up people…
Also BYRD.
remember this???
We do too.
Welcome to reality!
post on YT?