shocka007 ID: 388ec3 @Q TO19993 Decode July 1, 2022, 4:33 p.m. No.16576921   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Image filename decode @Q

5056b9a0e1fa08da.jpg = 5+153+11+25+9+26+153+22+1+47+153+8+50+48 = 711 Prince Dopey King to Pawn


hank you Dopey. = 20+94+4+48 = 166 Repost Expand Your Thinking

  • King to pawn. 11+125 = 136 Rothschild Banks (Continued)


166+136=302 Captain Green Stringer End


  • Eyes on. 5+58 = 63 Message to Blackhats


302+63=365 Find the Markers


  • Q 17


365+17=382 Satan (Obama) Has Left the White House Day of days.


Post 382 filename Proof decode

IMG_20190302_183525.png = 29+342+2+153+10+153+3+153+2+342+25+44 = 1258

MOAB Red Carpet Rollout (Marker)


the text decode

Is this what a Bot farm looks like? 9+142+2+223+63 = 439 Missle Marker & SpaceX Rocket Failure


This post invokes OBAMA as the missing [i]


  • flushed

= 114 US Military Savior of Mankind


439+114=553 Military Intel & State Secrets



How can we listen in, track, and monitor American citizens [bad actors]?

[We hear you].

[We see you].

What must we LEGALLY demonstrate in order to gain such warrants?


Do we TRUST the FISA judges?


State Secrets?

Why is this relevant?

Who can we TRUST?

Expand your thinking.