theres no room for hate in this movement, goy
we have to unite with the faggots and the pedophiles
yea its a multigenerational change alright
the usa is going to become africa in about 10 years
we gotta unite with the niggers, queers, and pedophiles, goys
you mean the ones filled with niggers?
the northeast is just fine, and its "democrat controlled"
funny how that works, eh?
if God isnt a white supremacist, why did he make the white race so much superior to all the other ones?
noooo we have to unite with the spics and the niggers, goyim!!
dont you dare show racial preference to your own kind!!
One race, the hooman race
who gives a fuck
are you telling me that we cant mow our own lawns and wash our own dishes?
We need to have an army of subhuman oompa loompas to do it for us?
we arent superior, yet every single thing around you, including civilization itself, was created by the white man
neck yourself, jew, you will never be white
we gotta unite with the niggers, goy
even if they kill all of us
we deserve to die, goyim
blacks are better than us, goy
youre just too raycis to see it
we need to feed and house all the precious niggers or else we are bad people, goy
worship the niggers, goyim