They skeered, damn right. Same as the gutter skank Ursula von der Leyen, who a couple of days ago said (paraphrase), "We can not back down (accede) to the Russians in Ukraine. It violates all that we stand for." Correct, bitch. Get down on your knees and weep to the dark lord.
Zelensky just puts on his high heels when he wants to be taller. Some anon posted the image awhile back. You know, before anyone ever heard of the perv.
Watch out, Rubio might get hot.
They might get swapped, but more likely they go to the wall as an example.
"You disappointed the shit outta me." Even better because it's Mr. Quickdraw Baldwin.
We don't need Whack Job Wackrow. Disgraceful sack of crap.