Anonymous ID: aa12fe Q drop 2 July 3, 2022, 4:10 a.m. No.16587107   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I would love to have the opinions of Anonim rgarding the answers to these questions of Drop number 2


Mockinbird. A CIA operation aimed at inciting political bias and spreading disinformation for propaganda purposes and paying members of the media to present the CIA's agenda


Hillary Rodham Clinton is under arrest, not yet arrested. Sometimes military or strategic deception is needed. This means that the statement may or may not be true, not for malicious purposes but for strategic purposes.


Where's Huma? Follow a wall. Hillary Clinton and Betsy Ebeling in Chicago at Clinton's "What Happened" campaign as 1,000 supporters wait for Hillary Clinton's signatures. When Hillary was asked by reporters for her response to the indictments by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Clinton picked up her book and said, "I have a great chapter here on Russia.


It has nothing to do with Russia (yet). The allegations about Trump's ties to Putin are baseless and are just a conspiracy theory against Trump supported by the mainstream media and Hillary Clinton with the help of 3 agencies (National Security Agency, CIA, FBI) and an attempt to stitch an unsubstantiated case against Trump


Why does Potus surround himself with generals? That 3-letter agencies act on political motives and take orders from Congress. By contrast, the military follows the Constitution and takes orders from the commander-in-chief who is Potus. And that's why Potus is counting on the generals to do their job.

Anonymous ID: aa12fe July 3, 2022, 4:12 a.m. No.16587123   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What is military intelligence? Military intelligence is a field of military research that uses data collection and analysis approaches to provide guidance and guidance to assist commanders in their decisions. U.S. military intelligence usually comes from 3-letter agencies. However, the 3-letter agencies are subject to military bodies that are controlled by Potus and therefore have the ability to obtain military intelligence even without cooperation with the 3-letter agencies. For example: The NSA is governed by an DoD headed by a Secretary of Defense who is a high-level member of a cabinet that is directly subordinate to Potus. The F. B. I. and the C. I. A. are subordinate to the DNI, which is a high-level member of the cabinet that is directly subordinate to Potus.


Why is Potus bypassing the 3-letter agencies? The question should be the opposite: why are 3-letter agencies against Potus? Meaning: Mainstream media ((Mockingbird) (CIA)) News distributors vs. Potus. The FBI in conjunction with the DOJ are cooperating in a baseless case against Potus. The NSA in conjunction with Obama is spying on Trump (not yet proven). It is not possible to make the arrest of HRC and other corrupt officials with the help of 3-letter agencies when these are corrupt and colluding against Potus along with HRC and others, and to that end it uses the army and generals to make these arrests.


In what case does the Supreme Court allow the use of military intelligence versus agencies collected and approved by Congress? United States v. Reynolds 3 civilian observers and 6 of 9 crew members died as a result of the crash of an Air Force plane that was on a flight to test secret electronic equipment. The widows of the 3 civilian observers have filed a lawsuit seeking damages in federal court under FTCA. The widows demanded that a report be submitted relating to the crash,but the Air Force refused, saying the information in the report would seriously harm national security. Because of the government's failure to produce the documents, a deliberate ruling in favour of the plaintiffs was given by the Court of Cassation. The ruling was upheld by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. The U.S. Supreme Court overturned the decision and returned it to the Court of Cassation. A settlement was then reached with the widows, who received a cumulative 170,000 in exchange for a release of liability to the government. _______ The conclusion is that against any citizen suing a government/security body in the United States for a specific legal or illegal reason, the "state secrets" privilege can be used as a reason not to disclose incriminating information and if the person discloses the information themselves, they can be jailed for doing so.


Who has ultimate authority over the approval conditions of our military branches unless they are 90+ years old in wartime conditions? The War Powers Resolution (also known as the 1973 Powers of War Resolution or War Powers Act) (50 USC ch. 33) is a federal law designed to test the power of the President of the United States to compel the United States to arm itself in a conflict without the consent of the U.S. Congress. To the United States Congress. It states that the president may invoke the armed forces of the United States to act only by a declaration of war by Congress,"statutory authorization," or in the event of "a national emergency at all attacking the United States, its territory or property, or its armed forces. The War Powers Resolution requires Potus to notify Congress within 48 hours of imposing military action and prohibits armed forces from staying longer than 60 days, with a further 30-day withdrawal period, without Congressional authorization for the use of military force ( AUMF) or a U.S. declaration of war. ________ The point is that if Congress objects to Potus then it cannot declare war if necessary so when Potus drains the swamp, it is likely to do so with secret military operations/commando forces and therefore drain the swamp will be secret