Iran = Iron
YHWH = Metal smelting
"The furnace/forge" = The all seeing eye
Swords, coins, and JEW- El-ry
"Tis better to sell the shovel than to dig the claim.
Iran = Iron
YHWH = Metal smelting
"The furnace/forge" = The all seeing eye
Swords, coins, and JEW- El-ry
"Tis better to sell the shovel than to dig the claim.
Teach the idea of "Sin"
Teach the idea of "Sacrifice"
Demand sacrifices to the Elites to pay for "Sin"
White (Nordic) supremacy and ethnic cleansing is so hot. Tell me more, Padre.
DEA agent looking for a lead to investigate.
This makes sense. Who profited the most of the church-based legal system?
Pope = Head of the Sanhedrin?
>The Talmud spells out true Jewish law
You mean the current "Version" of Jewish Law, as the god of the Jew's "laws" have evolved over time to suit the needs of the Levites.
Imagine the hundreds of millions murdered by the Church to please their Master
Jesus forgave.
The jews invented those "laws" as a source of profit.
The lawmakers always exempt themselves from enFORCEment actions, unless they need a scapeGOAT to keep the slaves from crying about a two-tiered system.
See: Epstein/Maxwell
The Pharisees condemned him to death at the Sanhedrin
The Romans carried out the crucifixion
The Romans hammered the nails
The Romans stuck the spear in his side
They were In It TOGETHER
Your interpretation implies that the Creator of the Universe is inferior to the corrupt evil legal system of Satan.