Why are you spamming shit that's already in the notables? Hmmm?
>If abortion is a sin against God, would sterilization also be a sin?
If you asked God, what would He say?
Good idea?
Any unintended consequences?
Changes in blood testosterone concentrations after surgical and chemical sterilization of male free-roaming dogs
>Russian laser scientist dies two days after arrest for state treason
Second Russian scientist from Siberian city detained on treason charges
Maslov’s arrest comes in the same week that Dmitry Kolker, a doctor of physics and mathematics at Novosibirsk State University, was detained on state treason charges for allegedly collaborating with China’s security services.
@ 2:44 Trump Won
Leprechaun Irish dude on CNN
CNN's Donie O'Sullivan explains what it means now that the account is back active.