Anonymous ID: 1df8c6 June 7, 2018, 8:08 a.m. No.1659162   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9207 >>9605



This tweet is just rubbing our nose in it. It's all about Debbie/Awan. Watch the water.



[ˈwɔːtəʳ ]


  1. Wasser nt




This is "Key". Focus, you have more than you know.

Anonymous ID: 1df8c6 June 7, 2018, 9:11 a.m. No.1659521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9534 >>9536 >>9579 >>9590


> just owl decorations or illuminate (Illuminati, sic) weapons?

I never thought much about the owls head on Iver Johnson pistols before, but this might give some credence to your question.



William McKinley assassination


Presidential assassin Leon Czolgosz shot and fatally wounded U.S. President William McKinley in Buffalo, New York on September 6, 1901 with an Iver Johnson .32 caliber Safety Automatic revolver (serial number 463344).[17][18] (McKinley succumbed to these wounds nearly eight days later, at 2:15 am on the 14th of September). The revolver is currently on display at the Buffalo History Museum in Buffalo.[19]


Franklin D. Roosevelt attempted assassination


In 1933, Giuseppe Zangara shot and killed Chicago mayor Anton Cermak at a political event in Miami, in an apparent attempt to assassinate president-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt. Zangara was using a .32 revolver by the United States Revolver Company, a subsidiary of Iver Johnson.[20]


Robert Kennedy assassination


Sirhan Sirhan shot and killed Presidential candidate United States Senator Robert F. Kennedy in Los Angeles, California on 5 June 1968 with an eight-shot Iver Johnson .22 caliber Cadet 55-A revolver (serial number H-53725, Trial-People's Exhibit #6, misidentified in trial testimony as S/N H-18602).[21] The revolver as well as the official police files, reports, interviews, ballistics reports, bullet fragments and other important evidence, related to Kennedy's assassination, is today housed in the California State Archives in Sacramento.[22]




Iver Johnson's have always been low tier pistols, much less well made and desirable than the more expensive Smith and Wesson's and Colt's.

Why would these people choose a cheap gun for such a high profile assassinations? Might be something to it.


"Symbolism will be their downfall".