Anonymous ID: de29f4 June 7, 2018, 9 a.m. No.1659465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9503 >>9522



San Antonio has some issues right now locally


City is very segregated, Parts of town are upper middle class and REEEEED as can be and the south side is inected with the Castro bros(Soros Money) and an idiot Mayor.


NB is just outside on the way to Austin, it would be considered more San Antonio than Austin. There is lots of open land around NB, lots of areas where shady activity can take place.


San Antonio has some pretty high crime rates if you just look at the numbers but if you are not involved with Drugs or gangs it is pretty safe.


San Antonio is also a big military town, mostly Air Force and Army so operations would make sense to be moved just outside of town in NB.


Geographically their is a huge difference between 35 corridor and I-10 corridor connecting El Paso/Juarez to San Antonio. I-10 is mostly a flat hithole, 35 has hills and is way more lush(tree coverage, hiding spots for camps etc)


With out saying exactly where this anon lives, I can say I see virtually no homeless people here. There are some downtown but for the most part you can't just claim "homeless camp". If someone was illegal in SA, the have family most likely to stay with.