Nice projection.
Jim Breuer legend.
John Wick = demonic 'anti-hero' ritual of cringe.
tRusT tHe ShiLLs, tRuSt tHe sHiLLs, squawk!
DiViDe bY rAcE, DiViDe bY rELiGiOn, tRuSt tHe SHiLLs, squawk!
tRusT tHe ShiLLs, tRuSt tHe sHiLLs, squawk!
It's very easy to debunk muhjoo.
It's extremely easy to debunk muhjoo.
The 'dog' was just a stupid mcguffin to 'excuse' the demonic behavior of Wick and everyone else in the movie.
If person X kills your dog, you have a mental disorder if you believe this justifies killing 300 people with even the remotest connection indirectly by many degrees, to the killer.
You have a troubled soul if you find this OK.
>btw. action movies aren't meant to be realistic, ok
In many cases they are designed to demoralize and weaken the public's psychology.
Every asset deployed.
>Reality is satanic
Nope, just thoughts are.
Thoughts influence and determine our actions, but that does not prove reality 'is' satanic.
And here come the economics simpletons who don't understand supply and demand, always ignoring supply.