tripcodes are whitelisted here. only allowed trip codes show
wont work. tripcodes have to be whitelisted to be used in qresearch
ok doge handler
Nice sgt b drop. civanon? or just a cronie
TRIGGERED cuz he was ID'ed. mossad treating you well 8200?
This is the B team of anons. Leftovers. Thats why they fawn over Sgt. B
Devil is a faker. He takes what god has and inverts. Thats why catholic church and islam are secretly babylonian sun god worship. Its a fake holy mother inana ester isis with her son husband osiris tammuz. Thats what obelisks are. osiris penis
kek. yes detachable penis. Great song
Where is sargent Benis when you need him
Yeah i might have saw it. dont matter both are larps
Oh so you are a B lover?
This guy believes in sargeant benis that babyfist is part of No Such Agency. So we got psyops being run on 8kun by some agency and no one like jim cares.
No rebuttal. Just ad hominem. Please enlighten us all on how legit BabyFist and SGT B are
its called writing propaganda to fool russian intelligence
Why no digs on the mystery of b
Sgt b kabuki. Babyfist claiming no such agency kabuki. sargent benis says