This is guerilla warfare tactics folks. A terrorist attack to instill FEAR in you to not stand up to their take over. Being done in "safe zones" of blue States controlled by [them]. They will conduct operation against you in Red States as well by minions dedicated (brainwashed) to martyr themselves for the "cause'.
Hopefully their ammo load of them is limited but don't bank on it.
They don't care who they kill and some don't care if they die.
Remember you were warned.
America is at a precipice and if you don't stand up and defend yourselves, the Constitution and this Country… it can and will fall.
Then they will round us up and murder us for wanting FREEDOM.
But first they need as many of the guns out of your hands if they can… that is the second reason for these shootings.
"Highland Park is a very liberal suburb of Chicago."
They do not care if they kill "their own".
They are sacrifices to the cause and were at an event of Patriotism and that makes them targets.
These creatures are very mentally sick.
They will cry "health emergency" and removing guns for "your safety."
All in the "Playbook" and has been used in many Countries to commit "Regime Change".
That part of the play takes time, force and a PEOPLE willing to give up.
Patriots will not surrender and that is their fear… we aren't giving in… though they claim to have the majority, that is just the propaganda they use.
WE are the Majority and that has them freaking out…. doesn't mean they won't try and kill many in the attempt.
My fear is they are going to go "scorched earth" if they can't get control. Bringing war to America in the guise of a Civil War before 2022 election.
Get it yet?