>>16596719 lb
>not invasive
Compliance makes it so.
Found 'em!
Trips confirm.
He meant the all CAPS corporate version.
Now they're back to blaming muh video games.
If you leave it'll have one less nigger infesting it.
They'll never point the finger at themselves.
You're conflating "country" with "government".
They haven't finalized their narrative yet.
Reporters now saying a few Jews connected to Israel were hurt.
Watch how fast they close the case.
Want to close the case fast, Anons?
Sift through all available footage of the nearby area for moulage mobiles.
They're all FFs, Anon.
They could, but they've chosen not to.
We need to do that same for those who bitch about them.
Filter in silence and move on with your life, moran.
Florida sportsball mascot.