JOEY is ape shit nuts. Incredible.
Hi Jill. How you doing? Say hi to your script writer for me. You know you guys nearing the end of the road, don't you?
>The Western nations apparently cannot stop it without 'losing face".
Yep, if you have been around psychopaths in your life, if you have had a psychopath close to you then you KNOW. When you call out the psychopath on one of their lies, with proof, the psychopath CAN NOT find a way to 'save face'. Oh, she will say try to say: "but you do bad things too". You say: NO dear, this one is ALL ON YOU.
You do that to a psychopath and there is ONLY ONE thing the psychopath can do. Destroy you. Dang, she may even seduce the sheriff. And because he's a horn dog and she is great at 'woe is me' seduction then you got police squad cars coming to your house.
Moral: Don't fuck, or fuck around,with psychopaths.