Anonymous ID: 0bebec Terror of attitudes in the Federal Republic of Germany July 16, 2018, 11:47 p.m. No.2184386   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Folgender Link könnte in Zukunft als solches gewährtet werden. Wer es nicht zulässt über bestimmte Themen zu reden, der hat in der Regel etwas zu verbergen. Denn die Wahrheit braucht keine Repressalien, die Wahrheit erschließt sich dem offenen Herzen.

Nur die Lüge muss auf solche Drakonische Strafen zugreifen um die Lüge aufrecht zu halten. Doch die Lüge kommt ans Licht!!!


Ich hoffe bald.;art212,2484097


The following link could be granted in the future. Those who do not allow to talk about certain topics usually have something to hide. For the truth does not need any reprisals, the truth is revealed to the open heart.

Only the lie has to resort to such draconian punishments to keep up the lie. But the lie comes to light!!!!


I hope soon.

Anonymous ID: 0bebec "Germany is a madhouse" July 17, 2018, 6:23 a.m. No.2186098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6996


This speech was from the same Bundestag session as Weidel's "Germany is a madhouse" speech (4th July) and was made a couple of hours later. Regarding the leadership of the AfD, Weidel is the leader of the AfD Bundestag "faction", but this is a largely symbolic position, it means as the official leader of the opposition she is always the first to speak when Merkel makes a statement. Gauland and Jörg Meuthen (who is not in the Bundestag and is a member of the European parliament) are the joint chairmen of the actual AfD party. The "safe for pregnant women" comment refers to a story in the German press recently about defence companies being told that the level of carbon monoxide inside the new Puma infantry fighting vehicle had to be safe for pregnant women (the army denied it was true)