Enjoy the show explained
The storm explained
Watch this to see why you were chosen
We are watching a grand movie play out
How many times did Q say enjoy the show?
Which scene of the movie is playing next?
One hell of a movie
Are anons enjoying the movie so far?
How many times did Q say enjoy the show?
90 times??? ?? ??
Seems like he was trying to tell us something
Watch this video and see if it resonates with what Q has been telling us.
Do you think Q said “Enjoy the show” 89-90 times for no reason?
Watch this video anons, it starts making sense
If you post 1.000 times and finally get a 0 delta.
Do you tell everyone it took 1,000 posts?
How many times should we tell the anons to enjoy the show before they get the hint?
Well Q, they seem to be a little retarded and thoroughly brainwashed , I would say to say it 100x
How do we say enjoy the show 100x?
They will eventually get the hint?
I don’t know…..
“Enjoy the show”
“Enjoy the show”
Did they catch on yet?
Q is this about right?
Did you see how they attack and shut down everything?
4 Chan comped
Qmap gone
Q attacked relentlessly
8 Kun attacked relentlessly
But they print and sell you the Bible?
They actually give them away free.
Free Bible , fiercely attack Q
Enjoy the show
Why did Q say Enjoy the show almost 100x?
What was Q trying to say without violating your free will?
Each person on watch, everyone has a group of guides and angels with them helping them stay on track / mission.
They cannot heal you or help you without you asking for help.
She needs to ask them for help.
We need to ask them for help.
We need to thank them for their service.
Watch… auto corrected, should be “earth”
Highland Park shooting
Parkland High shooting