Anonymous ID: 84edcd July 5, 2022, 6:02 a.m. No.16602180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2183

Undercover police tried to infiltrate the Dutch farmers protest but they got caught🤣

Anonymous ID: 84edcd July 5, 2022, 7:16 a.m. No.16602550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2566

These sick people should be locked up for seeking to destroy innocent children

Anonymous ID: 84edcd July 5, 2022, 7:22 a.m. No.16602582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2601 >>2646 >>2783 >>2832

Consider This Your Sign To Start Homeschooling Your Kids

July 05, 2022

Part 1 of 2

I write education news for a living. My job, every day, is to report on what’s happening in education. I have great respect for teachers in all settings but have been a homeschooling mother for more than 10 years now, and what I’ve researched and written on recently is horrifying.


The public school system is a mess. Hardly anyone wants to be a teacher anymore, and with good reason. Too many educators in the system have little to no respect for parental rights and believe they are above the law.


Most recently I reported on a gym teacher who allegedly sexually abused7- and 8-year-old girls for three years. This occurred between 2015 and 2018, but he is just now finally being brought to justice. I wish this were a rarity, but unfortunately 1 in 10 schoolchildren will be subject to sexual misconduct at the hands of a teacher or school staff member.


Sexual Agendas in Government School Classrooms


As if that weren’t enough to drive parents to seek alternative options, the Biden administration is rewarding schools for pushing identity politics in the classroom. Government grants are now being offered to schools that push “equity” ideologies into classrooms.


Gone are the days when working hard made the grade. Now schools across the nation are grading students based on what they look like instead of the content of their work. In addition, some districts will offer harsher punishments for white students who break the rules than non-white students as part of “culturally responsive discipline” (one rebranded form of critical race theory), which teaches students and educators that minorities aren’t smart enough to follow the rules.


This rhetoric is not only destructive to white people, but all people. That includes Asian students, who are now being pushed out of top schools in order to admit a racially conscious student body. In addition, black students are being held down by the false idea that they cannot succeed in the current system.


This is, of course, hogwash. Black students have proved they are brilliant when given the opportunity to excel. In 2021, the Scripps National Spelling Bee was won by a black girl for the first time in its long history. She is homeschooled by her father and represents the importance of parental rights in education.


Parents know their kids’ needs. We budget and teach and offer love and wisdom, sometimes without even realizing it. While public schools spend thousands of dollars trying to educate children through an ongoing teacher shortage and culture war, homeschoolers spend hundreds and somehow produce better results.


Yes, You Can Teach Your Kids!


During the lockdowns, many were thrust into homeschooling without warning. It was wrong and jarring and detrimental to everyone involved because it was so abrupt. But many families realized just how easy it is to teach children at home, and teach them well.


This year, an Ohio high school student graduated college just weeks before she received her high school diploma. She joined a community college program that offered courses to qualifying students while remote learning. Children are smart — smarter than we give them credit for — but so are parents. If you graduated high school, you can teach it. There are more resources available for homeschoolers than there have ever been.


Instead of working around the Department of Education’s unnecessary red tape, parents can customize what their children learn and keep them engaged based on their interests. Instead of being shoved in a desk for seven or eight hours, students get up and move around and learn tangible, real-life lessons. Instead of being vilified for having energy or wishing to learn through hands-on activities, boys especially benefit from homeschooling….

Anonymous ID: 84edcd July 5, 2022, 7:24 a.m. No.16602601   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2642


Part 2 of 2


Homeschooling Is Especially Accommodating for Energetic Boys

The public education system is currently designed for passive learners. Males are more likely to be diagnosed with behavioral issues than female students in the system. About 12 percent of boys are highly intelligent but do not start talking until well after girls do, and because milestones are over-emphasized, many of those boys are put in speech therapy even though they often catch up without intervention.


Instead of accepting that boys and girls are different and have different educational needs, the public school system punishes them. Many encourage parents to medicate young males even though most just need more physical activity and better education methods.


Nearly every parent I’ve talked to recently (who isn’t already homeschooling) tells me, “We’re thinking about homeschooling.” I know it’s a leap of faith. I was terrified when our school district lost accreditation and I had to homeschool, but once you start it’s so easy. Kids learn faster, and they have fun doing it.


Get Started Here

Many people just need a little help. I can say that three amazing resources gifted me enough confidence in my teaching skills that my children enjoyed learning and craved more.


First, the website is amazing. It’s packed with fun learning games and free features as well as an affordable membership that covers preschool through fifth grade.


Then, there are the ALEX Toys for craft-loving kids and Kidz Labs for kids learning about science. Each of these kits comes with all or most of the items needed to create art and science projects. What pieces they lack are household items which are incorporated (like a tin can for robotics). These are such wonderful hands-on learning options. They get kids involved and excited to see what they can do.


Lastly, although they might seem old-fashioned, the School Zone workbooks host hundreds of pages of fun worksheets that teach children lessons through sixth-grade material. My children love sitting down to fill out the pages, which are full of word games and math puzzles. Even my high-energy 4-year-old son will sit and work on them because he enjoys it.


You Are Your Child’s Best Resource

There will be hard days. Everyone has struggles sometimes, but parents are already teachers. We offer lessons all the time, and we learn as we go.


Some people think homeschooling is expensive. They think a good education has to have a massive budget — because that’s what the public education system does — but in truth, throwing money at materials doesn’t get the job done. Giving children individualized learning experiences and the ability to grow and ask questions is more important.


All you need is a reasonable budget and the will. If you’re not already homeschooling and you can’t afford private school, this really is your year. You will not regret it. If you’re too afraid to fully commit, test out a few lessons this summer. See how it goes. Purposeful teaching is a learning experience itself.

Anonymous ID: 84edcd July 5, 2022, 7:54 a.m. No.16602788   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You will have nothing, including your name and be happy with it

Anonymous ID: 84edcd July 5, 2022, 7:59 a.m. No.16602816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2820 >>2832

Overturning Roe v. Wade Does Change Everything



If you own a fainting couch, now might be a good time to list it for sale. Given the pearl-clutching panic currently on display among the pro-abortion crowd, you should make a pretty penny.


Notwithstanding the hysteria that has ensued in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson rulingeffectively overturning Roe v. Wade, not much has changed. Abortion is still widely available in this country and will remain so for the foreseeable future. Dobbs has not banned abortion in the United States, only given it to the states to regulate as they see fit.


Still, perhaps the Chicken Littles are on to something. Let’s briefly consider what did and didn’t change when the court handed down its decision on June 24.


What Dobbs Didn’t Change


If you want an abortion in this country, you can get one. Yes, trigger laws have led to more than a dozen states either banning abortion or beginning the process of doing so.


But even if you live in one of those states, the pro-abort contingent is rushing to make sure you are aware of all the ways you can still obtain an abortion: by traveling to a state where it is allowed, by ordering abortion pills from an online pharmacy, or by purchasing them from an overseas provider. And companies like Amazon and Citigroup have promised to help their employees who want abortions to get them. It helps their bottom line, after all.


But more important than the ongoing availability of abortion is the continuing desire of women to obtain them. One Supreme Court case doesn’t alter people’s beliefs, nor does it change their hearts. As long as there are women who want to get abortions (and men who pressure them into it), the scourge of abortion will remain.


What Dobbs Did Change


Why, then, the celebration? If abortion is still with us, why are those in the pro-life cause so jubilant?


Because while in one sense, nothing has changed — not the basic availability of abortion in the United States, the hearts and minds of those who promote and seek it, or the greed of those who will provide it — in another sense, everything has changed. No longer is the United States a country where abortion on demand is the default. No longer is the federal government in the express business of advocating for the “right” of a woman to have an abortion while ignoring the right of the child in the womb to live.


“Roe’s defenders characterize the abortion right as similar to the rights recognized in past decisions,” the opinion explained, “but abortion is fundamentally different, as both Roe and Casey acknowledged, because it destroys what those decisions called ‘fetal life’ and what the law now before us describes as an ‘unborn human being.’”


The Supreme Court’s refusal in Dobbs v. Jackson to continue a 50-year-old policy of preventing states from regulating abortion as they see fit is not going to lead to an immediate and wholesale change in the way Americans view abortion. But history shows that governments do affect the way people live….

Anonymous ID: 84edcd July 5, 2022, 8 a.m. No.16602820   🗄️.is 🔗kun


How Dobbs Could Have a Generational Influence



Whether or not one thinks Prohibition was a good policy, the fact is that it resulted in Americans drinking less. Recent studies show marijuana use has increased in the states in which it has been legalized.


Other historical examples of how government policy has shaped behavior come from such things as seat belt laws and smoking. State laws requiring seat belts have resulted in people wearing seat belts (and thus dying less often in car accidents). State laws regulating the sale of alcohol and cigarettes to minors have made it harder for minors to drink and smoke, and governmental campaigns about the dangers of smoking have resulted in fewer people smoking.


Americans like to think of ourselves as rebels and rugged individualists, but we are largely law-abiding citizens who respect our government and do what it says. Elections have consequences.


It’s going to take generations for us to see the effects of Dobbs on the number of abortions performed in the United States. But while we are waiting for those effects to materialize, there are some for whom Dobbs will change everything today, tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year.


Because of this ruling, there will be babies born who otherwise would not have been. Their lives will be a gift and blessing to the world, regardless of whether the world realizes it. Given the demographic alarms sounding about population decline, this welcome realization may well come sooner than later.


More than ever, it is the duty of pro-life Americans to uphold all children as the blessing they are by doing whatever we can to care for them and to support their parents, whether biological or adoptive. As pro-life organizations continue working for a recognition of the sanctity of life by every person in every place, the care of that life at all its stages and the promotion of pro-natalist policies become even more essential elements of our work.


Death Pangs


Those who are making big money off of the abortion business are naturally going to scream about this ruling. Their screams are the screams of death as they face the realization of their increasing irrelevance. We owe them nothing.


But the screams of those who are losing what they see as their necessary access to abortion are the screams of fear. Those of us who understand that life is a sacred gift from the Creator of the universe must not grow weary in sharing that understanding, in love, with those who need to hear it.


Meanwhile, if anyone from Planned Parenthood is reading, I have a fainting couch for sale.

Anonymous ID: 84edcd July 5, 2022, 8:20 a.m. No.16602930   🗄️.is 🔗kun


States should make it a crime for hatred of white people instead of choosing one convenient trope that makes one race above another.


That want us divided