>>16603677 (pb)
>NOW it's different, that means it has always worked like this
even assuming the current news reports are actually real and not fiction and lies and of course they get rid of competition, so who the fuck knows
>is too stupid to even read pic related
>calls others names
I will repost it, just for (you).
btw. what happened to Epstein?
Was "murdered" in jail?
Still alive?
Sure as fuck not prosecuted anywhere.
>but but he's totally in gitmo
In your mind. He may be there, he may be not. You don't know. That's a fact.
What happened to the Hampstead children?
What happened to the "judges" (masons) involved?
What happened to the "police" (masons) involved?
Fuck all?
Well there you fucking go.
Didn't even check for tattoos on the bodies of the teachers because muh conspiracy theory by very young children, because they just "made it up", no we don't need to check, hahaha.
It's really telling that there are shills that call for all sorts of shit, but there are no shills going against these SATANIC PEDO RINGS THAT SEXUALLY ABUSE CHIDLREN, weird isn't it.
No one calls for all these judges and police and whatever involved to get arrested.