Why you nipples in you armpits guy?
Lot's of Chick with Dick porn out there but not many Manpussy. isn't it just a Flat chick at that point?
Is that really his tattoo? I know he has a rose on his neck but that doesn't necessarily mean socialist.
Lobster is the Cockroach of the sea
Sometimes I want to carry around a guitar string with a couple rings and if the opportunity arises Carrot some of these fuckers. In minecraft but they don't have guitar strings.
Can someone make the "Qanon turned me Gay" meme into "Qanon woke me up" or made me a self hating jew or something
I know, hands are tied really, it just is hard to hear the false bullshit and these totally fake false flags and people eating them up. I know Jesus and God are in my heart and would know immediately if I were to do something stupid and show me sign after sign I am on the wrong path. They have done it before. God and Jesus are 100% real to me because of what I have experienced, I wish you all could have that type of experience and certainty. I have never read the Bible but have had Divine Contact so there is Hope for ANY Anon here, as long as you haven't done any really bad crimes that hurt anyone else.