Please consider for NOTABLES
Personal favor? Post links to your favorite videos? I'm looking for a pleasant diversion (caught up with bread).
Serving in the military teaches one to prepare for EVERY contingency!
If Q returns and drops juicy crumbs, GREAT!
However, I’m mentally and emotionally prepared to march forward without further guidance
and/or instructions. Hope this helps you civilians…
Why we no longer need Q…
Team Q did their job! They taught us:
• Critical thinking
• To question everything and everyone
• To organize
• To archive offline
• To filter/ignore shills
• To get involved on a local level
• How to interpret POTUS’ twats
• Patience
• That the USA is part of a world-wide ecosystem
• How to find each other in case a revolution is ever required
• Techniques for helping Normies slowly awaken from their comas
I “weaned” myself from Q crumbs about a month ago. Doing so has given me a fresh perspective for this board.
We need to “grow up” and accept ALL responsibility from this point forward.
Lastly, Q told us that we “hit 40,000 feet a LONG time ago” and to “prepare for landing”.
Do you really think they need to waste their time (and ours) by dropping crumbs to describe
the boring process of taxiing an airplane to a gate? FFS, we had the honor of hanging on
during the turbulence; the flak is a distant memory in our rear-view mirror.
WE HAVE EVERYTHING WE NEED, so let’s use it!
Beer at the parade, muh bitches!
I strongly disagree.
I want him VERY MUCH alive as he watches his legacy, his evil offspring and all of his cronies do their death marches to the gallows.
Hang this fucker in his wheelchair. I'd pay to see that.
Thank you!
Please accept my gift of 24,396,423 Good Karma points to use at your discretion.
I would salivate at the thought of watching Kissinger, Rumsfuck and Cheney get their proper dues. Fuckers.
Good. I dropped a couple thou in a Vegas casino by betting on the Cabal. Only got 3 1/2 points, but it pays 25:1 when it hits.
"Price check on Vagisil! Vagisil price check on aisle six!"
Phases of Faggotry:
1. “Holy shit! Look what I found. This is sooooo fucking cool. We’re getting “inside dope” about MI, POTUS and the draining of the WW swamp. I can’t wait to amaze my family and friends with how smart I am and how ‘in the dark’ they are for believing MSM.”
2. “How is it that Q doesn’t come right out and tell us EXACTLY what’s coming next and when it’s going to happen. I’m rapidly losing credibility because no one saw any BOOMs and Killary and Hussein are walking free and the [P]’s month of May wasn’t all that bad, JC and WJC are on book tours and POTUS’ twats don’t make any sense.”
3. “Fuck me. Now, I’m the black sheep of the family and my co-workers won’t come within a country mile of my cubical. Thanks for nothing, Q-holes.”
4. “I’ve been here since the beginning, but I have to leave. My spouse won’t talk to me, nothing is habbening, and I’m too smart to fall for this LARP. You ignorant faggots can keep getting pulled along by your nose, but no more for me. I’m going back to my Mensa meetings. I wish you Anons well. Beer tomorrow, suckers!”
Phases of Balls-to-the-Wall, Anon Patriotism:
1. “Holy shit! Look what I found. This is sooooo fucking cool. We’re getting “inside dope” about MI, POTUS and the draining of the WW swamp. The more I dig and lurk, the more I’m beginning to appreciate the HUGE size and scope of this WW operation. It boggles my mind when I consider the myriad of operations, decisions, interactions with foreign teams, handling of the MSM, posting on 8ch in a way that quells public uprising without leaking classified intel, plugging every possible leak, flipping dirty actors, etc. These people are fucking brilliant and will clean up a monstrous cabal that has reigned for hundreds of years within a few short years. I thank God during every prayer for these brave Patriots, POTUS, his family, our military and my fellow Anons.”
2. “I’m starting to get the ‘vibe’ here at 8ch. I realize that every negative post serves a purpose, and I never take them personally. When animals are cornered, they tend to panic; this is a very good sign. I actually have come to appreciate the shills, because without their shit posts, we’d have no indication that we’re winning. I actually pray for them, too, because I’m concerned for their well being after TGA. I feel sorry for people that will have to live out the rest of their days knowing they purposely tried to keep Good from defeating Evil.”
3. “Now that Q has told us to put our seats and trays in the full and upright position, it must mean that the hardest, most arduous and dangerous part of the ‘flight’ is over. Thank you, God, and bless you Patriots! Since our deep digging skills are no longer required, I’m going to use my time and talent to keep morale high at 8ch because Q really doesn’t need to direct us for the final phase of the End Game.”
4. “I’m really glad that I kept my mouth shut around my family, friends and co-workers. They figured out—on their own—that I went all the way to the bottom of this massive rabbit hole and they’re starting to get curious. Things they’re hearing and reading are beginning to create small ripples in the veneer of their matrix, and they are starting to ask me the right questions. Naturally, I never say, ‘I told you so’, but I counter with open-ended questions to make them even more curious to begin digging on their own. I speak about them highly in front of others and often refer to them as ‘woke’ since people tend to become as they see themselves. I also remember how long and painful it was for me to come out of my ‘propaganda coma’, so I’m very patient and kind with other people as they fight cognitive dissonance every step of the way. I offer encouragement, I ask interesting questions and I offer to point them to the same resources I used to red pill myself. I also let them know that there’s a ‘new family’ of nonjudgmental people at 8ch ready to welcome them home.”
5. “I can’t wait to buy beer for my fellow faggots at the parade.”
This is not the game for you to be playing.
Find something that brings you immediate satisfaction.
Don't forget to have at the ready on your smart phone.
Ask the other person to begin reading aloud and tell them they may stop the moment they spot an untruth.