So we all pretty much agree that the P@in in 23 means 2023?. Probably Pope/May as well.
Never did see a coroner's report or a death certificate, meh, maybe she's amongst the living, just got wrote out in the script.
…if he was just a puppet of the jews did he have 98% of the [German] people on his side? I know voting today is an utter scam. I also am aware how stupefied and zombified people are today, with pro Trump whatever. I know voting is just more of the jewish dialectic. But back then in the 30s the people were not the zombies they are today. Yes, the populace have always been malleable to an extent, but the German people were raw and far more politically aware back then. The people knew in their hearts and minds that Hitler was oozing authenticity, that he surged with passion for his people, for his race, and for Europe as a whole. And with 98% of the people behind you – miracles can happen. Real transformations happen that way. The main base of funding came from the PEOPLE and not from the bankers as too many people like to propagate. An agent? Come on.
…why, o why, o why is Hitler THE number one vilified person on the planet to this day? Because he was one of their boys? Because he played his role? Because he sold out? Because he was somehow bribed? No. It is not complicated. The very simple reason this man is portrayed as THE most evil man that ever lived is because he was THE man who stood up to the big bad jew. He made an impact like no other man on earth. He set a precedent. Look world, look what can happen to your country if you just stand up to the evil jew. Kick the parasite out and stand back and watch how things organically naturally heal. And that is why the International Jewry absolutely panicked. That is why there was an all out effort to destroy this healing process. Not because he was part of the bigger plan. An agent? Come on.
Hitler an agent – wotta crock’a shit.
Two additional quotes:
“So, who wants you to believe this “Hitler was a Jew” or that “Hitler was a Rothschild” rubbish, and why? Whose agenda does it really serve? The Rothschild’s and their NWO agenda! Time for the so-called “Truth Movement” to wake up, to turn your lying “gurus” off, do some research on your own, and figure out who really fought the NWO agenda, and who had devised the perfect model that would defeat it, if it had been permitted to continue.”
Q has given us many drops in advance of huge truths which have (and will) come to pass after the dust settles on this most epic Plan To Save The World.
One of the greatest of these truths involves the Quantum science breakthrough (already proven but Cabal suppressed) of the Power of Thought or, moar specifically, the Power of a Focused and Sustained Intent. Does any anon think that Q's repeated call for "prayer" and references to "spiritual warfare" are all just religious trappings or just mumbo jumbo hopium? Why do anons think that EVERY Cabal message to the masses are ONLY fear or ego-based, low vibrational aspects of conditioning? Violence and gore porn, revenge porn, porn porn, etc. in the 4 AM talking points and EVERYTHING produced in Pedowood and Mainstram Media has been engineered to prevent the masses from learning or remembering the awesome, inherent power within each and everyone of us which, if harnessed and aggregated, to even a fraction, will bring [their] entire temple down.