Never realized how fast breads go by when Q is posting…until Q isn't & hasn't been posting! Kek!
Don't forget the newspaper article that was in the picture! YUGE confirmation of Q!!
Why did the post that you are responding to get deleted? What was the pic of? I hate this deleting shit! If it isn't CP or HC Porn why is it deleted?
My Take- the OIG Report is what sets the stage for the HRC, Posesta, etc…arrests that Q FIRST posted about & there weren't also crumbs about POTUS being abroad & kept safe during this time (I think- can't remember exactwording). I think the OIG report starts THE STORM & will pick up where Q's first crumb snatcher start!
I'm phonefagging & can't pull up the Q posts but can Anon post those Q crumbs talking about the arrests & also about how the country will be a different place when POTUS gets back (I think that was posted on POTUS first trip to Asia maybe?).
Its deleted. You have to refresh the page. I came on to the bread later than you so that is why I see it is deleted.
Curios, BV why are you deleting pics that aren't porn or CP? Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it should be deleted.