It's surprising that a lot of people didn't know where "DoitQ" came from.
Anons, when others tell you to reread old Q posts, they are not trying to belittle you or act cute. There is so much information and thus understanding that comes from every successive Q post and picture. Pair them with POTUS tweets around the same time and the massive digging by the anons here and suddenly you'll find fog lifting and everything come into focus.
Its why shills can be spotted in an instant
its why Corsi et al proved useless
Its why anons say trust the plan and mean it wholeheartedly
Its why we are here and keep trying to dig day after day for greater understanding and better ability to inform others.
And so Its why if you are still nervous and unsure about what is or isn't "happening", you should reread Q posts and the breads that follow them. Even old fags need to revisit and remind themselves on a regular basis thereby often seeing things in a whole new light