Now THIS is interdasting.
The Free Anime Pussy & Sex Toys For Men Ad has simply gotta go. Tacky to the nth degree.
OMG when my youngest was little I had to keep extra eyes on him and pray for guardian angels. He was such a good looking kid. And we lived in a town bordering another state. 30 seconds and a kidnapper could be into the next state. One time when he was about seven I caught him talking to a guy in a car. I yelled at my son and guy said, "I was just offering him some candy." And I said, "GTFO out of here creep, don't you ever offer my kid or any other kid your filthy candy. And oh, I got your license plate." <<<<Shudder>>> Praise God my son is now a grown man and got through childhood unscathed.
Agree. I have four children but the youngest really required a lot of oversight. A real rascal. Always running around seemingly 110 miles an hour but at least he wasn't a couch potato. It wasn't long after that incident that I got him involved in year-round soccer. That kept him busy for the next 15 years.