I started predicting it was come up too when I found out who our mayor was.
Just an observation from a local, but that place has always looked creepy as fuck when you drive by it. Never any kids playing; paint on the building has always looked sunbeaten and old. Always seemed like a hellhole even back in the late 90s. Never had any idea it could be implicated in anything like this though.
It also shits up the bread faster and gets people to reply more by telling him to knock it off
This happened here last month. Tied the social worker to a fucking tree with duct tape.
>fake pedogate
Lol, what board do you think you're on? This is where the Epstein/Ray Chandler find caught wind.
Honestly I think MKULTRA has something to do with this. Over the last 4-5 months there's been all these stories of knife/car attacks involving crazies and absolutely no motive. I started open carrying after I passed by all the police tape for this one:
>Next to highway
>Shady empty lot
Seems like it has the common traits thus far. Gonna look into the paper trail
That would be awesome anon, just be careful. If it's like what they've found at the Cemex site, there could be some scary fucking people watching it.
The amount of shilling that's been happening this week is a good indicator that the people in power are shitting themselves as we speak.
I've been helping them out a bit. We got people recording their streams with OBS while they're live and they're setting up backup accounts on other social media. Fully anticipating a profile takedown in the next day or so.
Yesterday must have been the first salvo. Wonder when NYT or Newsweek is going to have their turn trying to snuff it.